Wildfire Resources for Agricultural & Livestock Producers

EOARC/OSU Extension hosted a public meeting on August 13th in Burns for residents, landowners, and agricultural producers who have been impacted by the Falls/Telephone Fires. Watch to learn about available funding and programs from representatives from Oregon Department of Emergency Management, Office of Resilience and Emergency Management, and Division of Financial Regulation as well as local organizations including Harney SWCD, NRCS, FSA, EOARC, BLM, Malheur National Forest, and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

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OSU Extension is coordinating with local response effort to help farmers, rancher sand communities deal with the consequences of the wildfires.

Do you need hay or grain due to wildfires?

OSU Extension is partnering with state and local efforts to coordinate hay, livestock feed and monetary donations.  We will also help coordinate the transportation of donations to the affected areas in partnership with Oregon Cattlemen's Association.

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Through the OSU Foundation, OSU Extension is accepting monetary donations that would be used for livestock feed and/or wildfire recovery operation supplies.

Monetary Donation

If you can donate hay or grain, or help with transportation of donations to neighboring counties, please contact your local OSU Extension agent or office.

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