Publications Library



Journal Article

McIver, James, and Roger D Ottmar. Fuel Mass And Stand Structure After Post-Fire Logging Of A Severely Burned Ponderosa Pine Forest In Northeastern Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management 238.1-3 (2007): 268 - 279. Web. Forest Ecology And Management.


Extension Publication

Darambazar, E, and Daalkhaijav Damiran. Album Of Photomicrographs Of Eastern Oregon Rangeland Plants. Circular of information No.4 (Link: Summary, Introduction, Grass, Grasslike, Forb, Shrub/Tree, and References) 2006. Web. Circular Of Information No.4 (Link: Summary, Introduction, Grass, Grasslike, Forb, Shrub/Tree, And References).
Waldrop, Thomas A, and James McIver. The National Fire And Fire Surrogate Study: Early Results And Future Challenges. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-92 2006: 526-530. Web. Gen. Tech. Rep. Srs-92.

Journal Article

Boal, C. W et al. Northern Goshawk Ecology In The Western Great Lakes Region. Stud. Avian Biol. 31 (2006): 128-136. Print. Stud. Avian Biol. .
Johnson, D. A et al. Mongolian Rangelands In Transition. Sècheresse 17.1 (2006): 133-141. Web. Sècheresse .
Damiran, Daalkhaijav et al. Estimating Shrub Forage Yield And Utilization Using A Photographic Technique. Northwest Science 80.4 (2006): 259-263. Web. Northwest Science .
Bartuszevige, Anne M, and David L Gorchov. Avian Seed Dispersal Of An Invasive Shrub. Biological Invasions 8150131471101429916614494410691311837911314554133164673138101814013958751396212887511163611299189752284161221191211314.5Supplement (2006): 1013 - 1022. Web. Biological Invasions.



Conference Proceedings

Vavra, Martin et al. Ungulate Ecology Of Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems In The Northwest . Proceedings of the Symposium on Ponderosa Pine: Issues, Trends, and Management 2005: 145-158. Web. Proceedings Of The Symposium On Ponderosa Pine: Issues, Trends, And Management.

Extension Publication

Damiran, Daalkhaijav. Palatability Of Mongolian Rangeland Plants. Circular Information No. 3. 2005: 95. Web. Circular Information No. 3.

Journal Article

Carpinelli, Michael F et al. Effect Of Ruminal Incubation On Perennial Pepperweed Germination. Rangeland Ecology & Management 58.6 (2005): 632 - 636. Web. Rangeland Ecology & Management.
Vavra, Martin. Livestock Grazing And Wildlife: Developing Compatabilities. Rangeland Ecology Management 58 (2005): 128-134. Print. Rangeland Ecology Management.
Schauer, C. S et al. Influence Of Protein Supplementation Frequency On Cows Consuming Low-Quality Forage: Performance, Grazing Behavior, And Variation In Supplement Intake. Journal of Animal Science 83615479707249818080436630556812679167173B-15266715774574767167SR-760438126786015B-102571785939.7 (2005): 1715 - 1725. Web. Journal Of Animal Science.


Conference Proceedings

Findholt, S. L et al. Diet Composition, Dry Matter Intake, And Diet Overlap Of Mule Deer, Elk, And Cattle. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: 670-686. Web. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.
Kennedy, Patricia L. Habitat Selection Patterns Of Northern Goshawks In North America . Proceedings of the International Symposium on Endangered Raptors 2004: n. pag. Print. Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Endangered Raptors.
Tanaka, John A. Implications For Land Use Policy And The Sustainability Of Western Rangelands. Western Agricultural Econonomics Association Annual Meeting 2004: n. pag. Print. Western Agricultural Econonomics Association Annual Meeting.
Cook, J. G et al. Nutrition And Parturition Date Effects Elk: Potential Implications For Research And Management. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: n. pag. Print. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.
Tanaka, John A, Neil R Rimbey, and Allen L. Torell. New Faces, What Does It Mean For Sustainable Rangeland Management?. 59th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management 2004: n. pag. Print. 59Th Annual Meeting, Society For Range Management.
Vavra, Martin et al. The Role Of Ungulate Herbivory And Management On Ecosystem Patterns And Processes: Future Direction Of The Starkey Project . Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: 785-797. Print. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.
Wisdom, Michael J et al. Cattle And Elk Responses To Intensive Timber Harvest . Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: 727-758. Print. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.
Findholt, S. et al. Diet Overlap Among Elk, Mule Deer And Cattle. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: n. pag. Print. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.
Kie, John G et al. The Starkey Databases: Spatial-Environmental Relations Of North American Elk, Mule Deer, And Cattle At The Starkey Experimental Forest And Range In Northeastern Oregon . Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69 2004: 475-490. Print. Transactions Of The North American Wildlife And Natural Resources Conference 69.

Extension Publication

Tanaka, John A et al. New Faces: What Does It Mean For Sustainable Rangeland Management. Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Western Coordinating Committees 55 and 40 2004: n. pag. Print. Current Issues In Rangeland Resource Economics. Proceedings Of A Symposium Sponsored By Western Coordinating Committees 55 And 40.

Journal Article

Ganskopp, David C, and David W Bohnert. Wolfy Forage: Its Effect On Cattle Distribution And Diet Quality. Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center. Range Field Day Report (2004): 4–9. Print. Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center. Range Field Day Report.
Fisher, M J et al. Evaluation Of Perennial Ryegrass Straw As A Forage Source For Ruminants.. Journal of Animal Science 82.7 (2004): 2175-84. Web. Journal Of Animal Science.
Bohnert, David W. Strategic Supplementation Of Crude Protein: An Economical Management Strategy For Intermountain Cow/Calf Producers. Current Forage and Livestock Production Research (2004): 10. Print. Current Forage And Livestock Production Research.
Cook, John G et al. Effects Of Summer-Autumn Nutritiona Nd Parturition Date On Reproduction And Survival Of Elk. Wildlife Monographs No. 155. Supplement to The J. of Wildlife Management (2004): n. pag. Print. Supplement To The J. Of Wildlife Management.
Currier, T. A et al. Daily And Alternate Day Supplementation Of Urea Or Biuret To Ruminants Consuming Low-Quality Forage: I. Effects On Cow Performance And The Efficiency Of Nitrogen Use In Wethers1,2. Journal of Animal Science 823579437680808037163355826816795377406318747915777476772938191642231115312.5 (2004): 1508 - 1517. Web. Journal Of Animal Science.
Currier, T. A et al. Daily And Alternate-Day Supplementation Of Urea Or Biuret To Ruminants Consuming Low-Quality Forage: Iii. Effects On Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics In Steers1,2. Journal of Animal Science 827643728080376366331038282687940697467747545679429217249312277.5 (2004): 1528 - 1535. Web. Journal Of Animal Science.
Currier, T. A et al. Daily And Alternate-Day Supplementation Of Urea Or Biuret To Ruminants Consuming Low-Quality Forage: Ii. Effects On Site Of Digestion And Microbial Efficiency In Steers1,2. Journal of Animal Science 8279767680808022126733755582826879774069185469157774757645677381777829165669695966.5 (2004): 1518 - 1527. Web. Journal Of Animal Science.


Conference Proceedings

Darambazar, E. et al. Changes In Forage Quantity And Quality With Continued Cattle Grazing In A Mountain Riparian Pasture. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2003: 324-328. Web. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci.
Damiran, Daalkhaijav et al. Estimating Shrub Forage Yield And Utilization Using A Photographic Technique. Abstr. of Soc. for Range Manage. 56th annu. meeting. 2003. Web. Abstr. Of Soc. For Range Manage. 56Th Annu. Meeting.
Darambazar, E. et al. The Influence Of Cow Age On Botanical Composition Of Diets In Mixed Conifer Mountain Riparian Areas And Adjacent Uplands. Abstr. of Soc. for Range Manage. 56th annu. meeting 2003. Web. Abstr. Of Soc. For Range Manage. 56Th Annu. Meeting.

Journal Article

Parsons, C. T et al. Cattle Distribution Patterns And Vegetation Use In Mountain Riparian Areas. J. Range Manage 56 (2003): 334-341. Web. J. Range Manage.
Bohnert, David W et al. Supplementation Strategies For Beef Cattle Consuming Low-Quality Forage. Cattle Producer’s Library. Nutrition Section C 318 (2003): n. pag. Print. Cattle Producer’s Library. Nutrition Section Cl.
McIver, James. Sediment Transport And Soil Disturbance After Postfire Logging. Hydrological Science and Technology 19.1-4 (2003): 335-348. Print. Hydrological Science And Technology.