Juriana Examaray Barboza Sagrero | BioResource Research
Class of 2021 | Corvallis, OR | First Generation College Student
Quiet Passion
One of the things I believe defines me well is family. Family plays a huge role in my life. I grew up as the oldest of eight children so many of my efforts both inside and outside of school are done for my siblings and parents. Aside from this, I am an introvert that enjoys trying new things and meeting new people, but who is also quiet and reserved. When time allows, one of the things I enjoy doing is photography, whether it be of my surroundings or a photo shoot of other individuals. I also enjoy shooting around and participating in basketball scrimmages at Dixon. Being physically active even a couple times a week helps relieve my academic (and work)-induced stress while still maintaining my health with a good workout! Lastly, I love hanging out with friends, whether it is studying together, going out for a bite, watching a movie or even catching up.
Applicable Research
Throughout my time at OSU I have established the goal of retaining as much knowledge as possible and to develop into a competitive and outstanding individual. BioResource Research (BRR) has provided many opportunities that have aligned with these goals and it has paved a path that connects me to my future goals outside of OSU, that is, as I get closer to attending medical school. One thing that connects this major to society are the variety of options provided under it. These options are diverse and can be directly applied to the real world. Additionally, the research itself creates a good connection with society because it connects individuals with real world issues and approaches that allow a more profound understanding of the area of study. The data gathered from experiments or observational studies conducted within research open doors to new possible solutions and perspectives. Research alone encourages individuals to be proactive, more creative, think critically, work on communication, and enhance collaborative skills — it helps individuals gain and develop skills that are considered valuable in life.
Making An Impact
This year I have been able to obtain more opportunities due to the connections I have made through the College of Agricultural Sciences (CAS). I am now a volunteer in the IMPACT program here at OSU where I’ve become aware of the unique needs each disability requires by working one-on-one with different participants. This has been an amazing experience thus far, I enjoy being able to help participants with their fitness while providing a safe, fun and understanding environment.
Another opportunity that arose from connections in CAS is the research I am developing my thesis in. Using a nonhuman animal model, my research has focused on understanding the effects that exposure to androgen and a high caloric diet has on the cell regulatory networks in maternal placental tissue of mammals. These investigations are an effort to find therapies for women suffering from the effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Although this opportunity has just started, I can say that I have obtained so much applicable knowledge. I am very excited about this opportunity and I look forward to beginning treatments in the winter.
Both opportunities described above are quite different, however, they both have a great impact on my current (and future) education. I intend to continue my education by participating in an MD/PhD program, and these events have provided worthy skills and experiences that will be valuable in the future.
Guided By Science
Although I have not decided what specialty I would like to focus on, I hope that 5 years from now I have had already graduated from a medical school and begun my residency. AgSci has provided many opportunities for me from my current major to the staff, faculty, and students under this college that have guided me through different resources and opportunities available. The opportunities that I have gained through AgSci have begun molding my future by putting me in the path that I currently am in.
Building Community
Like many students, a few of the challenges I have faced stemmed from financial needs and cultural differences. As a first-generation student, I have faced cultural barriers and difficulty navigating through a system like the one in this institution, however, I have been able to build a support system of peers and faculty that have guided me through the resources available around me. Thanks to my connections in CAS, I have been able to participate in programs aimed to ensure minority students success, these programs include (but are not limited to) the Multi-Scholars Program, STEM Leaders, LSAMP, EOP, etc. Lastly, through CAS I have become part of the OSU SACNAS Chapter where I have been able to connect with other minorities of similar background to attain the same goals, that is, to retain minorities in higher education and provide a broader selection of opportunities in STEM. My enrollment in this club has encouraged me to take on leadership positions that have strengthen my skills, and encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. Lastly, these opportunities have provided me with experiences that I likely wouldn't have had otherwise.
Time-Tested Wisdom
Students get tired of hearing the same thing over and over but I encourage students to actively listen to faculty and staff when they advise on what steps to take to pursue your goals. I encourage students to get to know their professors, and regularly attend office hours. This time is very helpful, especially if you are struggling as a student. Creating a relationship with your professors can also be beneficial in other areas as well. Another important piece of advice I have for incoming students is to frequently ask questions and lots of them, there are no wrong questions and if you don't ask them you will always wonder! Lastly, I encourage students to get involved, college is difficult as it is but having an outlet, such as staying active by going to Dixon, becoming involved in clubs, or participating in volunteer work will help you make connections and maintain your overall wellness. Enjoy your time at OSU and make the best of it, it flies by!