Watering Instructions

1341.015A   T-Signs
Revised: December 31, 2009

At your request Greenhouse Operations crew could water plants in this room as follows: daily-including weekends and holidays, or weekends and holidays only, or not at all. Communicate your needs to the greenhouse staff by calling the office (737-2381). Please respect our time and discard plant material that is no longer needed. The greenhouse crew will NOT water against watering codes. Daily checks will be made on watering and environmental controls regardless of request.



4” X 4” colored square door marker indicates which watering code is requested.

GREEN SQUARE MARKER:Any group of plants or entire room will be watered seven days a week by Greenhouse Operations crew.

BLUE SQUARE MARKER:  Room will be watered by users’ staff on all weekdays and shall be watered by Greenhouse Operations crew on: weekends & holidays. 

RED SQUARE MARKER:   Room not watered by Greenhouse operations crew. 

IMPORTANT:  Requests or changes need to be coordinated through the Greenhouse Operations office.



To indicate watering needs within rooms, use 12” X 1” colored flags that are located in the container in the greenhouse. Use illustration below as your guide for marking your plant material.

YELLOW FLAGS: “Do not overwater plants” greenhouse crew allows plants to dry out between watering.

GREY FLAGS:           Indicates gentle watering – used for seedlings.

RED FLAGS:             Indicates individual or groups of plants will not be watered by greenhouse crew.

IMPORTANT: If a change is made in flags within a room, notify the greenhouse office at time of change.    Flags must be placed on the edge of the group to CLEARLY show what is flagged and what is not. Be clear and thoughtful about arranging plants with flags for the watering crew.