Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Varieties (EM 9073) - This publication includes tables that summarize characteristics of the main hazelnut varieties produced in the United States, lists varieties' susceptibility to eastern filbert blight, and shows varieties' compatibility with each other for pollination.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Pollination and Nut Development (EM 9074) - This publication provides a glossary of botanical terms related to hazelnut pollination and describes the flower and nut development process, pollination, and related issues.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Plant Propagation (EM 9075) - This publication provides guidelines for purchasing and propagating planting stock. It describes simple layering, tie-off layering, grafting, and cuttings.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Site Selection (EM 9076) - This publication describes factors to consider when deciding to plant a hazelnut orchard and includes a table of native productivity ratings for soil series types in the Willamette Valley.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Design (EM 9077) - This publication outlines hazelnut orchard design considerations, including density and yield, spacing and arrangement of permanent trees, and loading zones. It also includes a brief description of procedures for establishing a new orchard.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Training and Pruning (EM 9078) - This publication describes practices for pruning young hazelnut trees and mature orchards.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Floor Management (EM 9079) - This publication describes hazelnut orchard weed management practices including flailing, herbicides, intercropping, cover crops, and sucker control. It also briefly describes procedures used during nut fall and harvest.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Nutrition (EM 9080) - This publication lists the components of a comprehensive nutrient management strategy and provides nutrition guidelines for mature and new hazelnut orchards.

Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Integrated Pest Management (EM 9081) - This publication provides an overview of insect, disease, and vertebrate pest management in hazelnut.