- Agronomy
- Conference Room
- Entomology
- Graduate Student Office
- Horticulture Lab
- Main Office
- Molecular Biology
- Office Annex
- Plant Pathology
- Potato Breeding and Genetics
- Invertebrate Ecology
- Screen Houses
Screen House
Plant Pathology Greenhouse
Green House
Project Leader: Don Horneck, Agronomist (1958-2014)
Extension Research: Soil fertility/crop production, potatoes, onions, alfalfa, cereals. We offer expertise on a wide range of topics to the general public, growers and fieldmen in the area. We also represent agriculture's interests on committees. We provide educational pesticide and CCA licensing opportunities for local growers and fieldmen. Our primary concerns are profitability and environmental sustainability of local cropping systems.
Special Interests: Soil fertility / crop production / ammonia volatilization / biomass / Re-Use Water Consortium. The Re-Use Water Consortuim meets regularly regarding soil and plant nutrition including manure, biosolid, re-use water and fertilizer management. Projects include liming, grass seed, reclamation grasses, general agronomy and irrigation water quality.
Plant Pathology Laboratory
Plant Pathology Laboratory building
The OSU HAREC Plant Pathology Laboratory is a modern facility committed to the study of plant diseases that affect crops grown in the Columbia River Basin and Pacific Northwest.
The Plant Pathology Laboratory is to provide plant disease diagnostic services to the agricultural industry of the Columbia River Basin and greater Oregon. More information about plant disease diagnostic services can be found at the HAREC Plant Pathology Diagnostic Laboratory webpage.