50th Annual Hermiston Farm Fair
November 29 and 30, 2023
The 50th Annual Hermiston Farm Fair will be held in-person this year at the Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center. The Hermiston Farm Fair is an agricultural forum sponsored by Oregon State University Hermiston Agricultural Research & Extension Center and local agriculture-related businesses. Farm Fair is a great opportunity to gain knowledge while interacting with your local, regional, and national experts.
The Hermiston Farm Fair will be held from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., November 29 and 30. Beginning with our signature Potato Session, then Special Agriculture, Water in Agriculture and concluding with our Vegetable and General Agriculture Sessions. All sessions will require pre-registration.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho pesticide re-certification credits in addition to CCA credits will be determined when the agenda is finalized.
Please view our agenda in pdf form. Credits will be posted as they become available. Thank you for supporting our annual Hermiston Farm Fair.
POTATO SESSION Organizers: V. Sathuvalli and R. Qin |
8:00 am | Diagnostic Difference Races of Columbia Root-Knot Nematode, An Important Soil-Borne Pathogen in PNW Potato Production |
Shengwei Hu and Vidyasagar Sathuvalli Oregon State University |
8:30 am | Powdery Scab, the Environment, and Implications for Disease Management |
Ken Frost Oregon State University |
9:00 am |
Updates on Nitrogen Fertilization for Potatoes |
Ruijun Qin and Tajmul Hussain Oregon State University |
9:30 am | Introducing the New Entomology Program and OSU-HAREC |
Josephine Antwi Oregon State University |
10:00 am | BREAK | |
10:30 am | The Potato Decision Aid System |
Carrie Wohleb Washington State University |
11:00 am | Essential Oils: A Natural Alternative to Synthetic Chemicals for Potato Sprout Suppression |
Valtcho Jeliazkov Oregon State University |
11:30 am | Potato Mop-top Virus Transmission and Screening |
Kylie Swisher Grimm USDA-ARS |
12:00 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 2 | WA - 3 | ID - 2 | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
1:00 pm | Potato Fertilization for Maximum Economic Gain |
Mark Pavek Washington State University |
1:30 pm | Potato Soil Health and Soilborne Disease Management |
Ken Frost Oregon State University |
2:00 pm | Developing Resistance to Internal Disorders of Potato |
Roy Navarre USDA-ARS |
2:30 pm | Potato Soil Health as Affected by Soil Fumigation and Cover Crops |
Ruijun Qin and Haoyang Lyu Oregon State University |
3:00 pm | BREAK | |
3:30 pm | Unearthing the Genetic Shield: Bioinformatics Strategies for Enhancing Disease Resistance in Potatoes |
Senthilkumar Shanmugavel and Vidyasagar Sathuvalli Oregon State University |
4:00 pm | What Are the Factors That Contribute to A Perfect French Fry? |
Sastry Jayanty Colorado State University |
4:30 pm | What Can We Learn from Images of Potato Tubers? |
Max Feldman USDA-ARS |
5:00 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 1 | WA - 2 | ID - | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
VEGETABLE SESSION Organizers: R. Qin |
8:00 am | IPM Strategies for Vegetable Crops |
Surendra Dara Oregon State University |
8:30 am | Breeding Snap Beans for Wide Adaptation to the Pacific Northwest |
James Myers Oregon State University |
9:00 am | Sweet Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest |
Laura Schulz Washington State University |
9:30 am | Invasive Weeds to Be on the Watch for: Palmer Amaranth, Water Hemp, and Velvet Leaf |
Joel Felix Oregon State University |
10:00 am | BREAK | |
10:30 am | Tomato Production, Disease Symptom Recognition, and Management |
Tom Turini University of California |
11:00 am | Pest Management through the Season in Onions |
Stuart Reitz Oregon State University |
11:30 am | Epidemiology and Management of Bacterial Blight in Carrot Seed Crops |
Jeremiah Dung Oregon State University |
12:00 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 2 | WA - 3 | ID - 2 | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
GENERAL AGRICULTURE SESSION Organizers: K. Frost and R. Qin |
1:00 pm |
Management of Ergot in Grass Seed Crops |
Jeremiah Dung Oregon State University |
1:30 pm |
Cover Crops and Invertebrates: The Good, Bad, and Everything in Between |
Scott Mitchell Oregon State University |
2:00 pm |
Supporting Pollinators in Agriculture Through the NRCS |
Sarah Gardner USDA_NRCS |
2:30 pm |
Results from 2022 WSU and WSHGA Alfalfa Variety Trial |
Steve Norberg Washington State University |
3:00 pm |
3:30 pm |
P and K Fertilization of Alfalfa |
Steve Norberg Washington State University |
4:00 pm |
Compost |
Amanda Woodlee Umatilla County Master Gardeners |
4:30 pm |
Protect Your Crop During Heat Waves |
Carrie Wohleb Washington State University |
5:00 pm |
Credits: OR - 1 | WA - 1 | ID - | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
Credits - Washington
Credits - Idaho
Credits - ODA
Credits - CCA
General Agriculture Organizer: K. Frost |
8:00 am | Hemp Disease Surveys in the Pacific Northwest |
Hannah Rivedal USDA-ARS |
8:30 am | Drone Remote Sensing and AI for Plant Breeding and Precision Management |
Liujun Li University of Idaho |
9:00 am | Grass Seed Pathology Update |
Hannah Rivedal USDA-ARS |
9:30 am | Optimizing Pheromone-Based Monitoring Systems to Improve Corn Earworm Pest Management |
Govinda Shrestha Oregon State University |
10:00 am | BREAK | |
10:30 am | Sifting Grain from Chaff in Soil Heath and Regenerative Agriculture |
Andrew McGuire Washington State University |
11:30 am | The Carbon Sequestration Potential of Oregon Soils |
Markus Kleber Oregon State University |
12:00 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 1 | WA - 1 | ID - 1 | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Organizers: J. Antwi and C. Bonilla |
1:00 pm | A Wireless Soil Moisture Sensing Network to Automate Site-Specific Irrigation Using an Overhead Irrigation System |
Udayakumar Sekaran Oregon State University |
1:30 pm | Developing Knowledge and Technologies to Enable Sustainable and Productive Symbiosis Between Dairy and Cropping Systems |
Shulin Chen Washington State University |
2:00 pm | Are Crop Water Needs Increasing in Eastern Oregon? |
Carlos Bonilla Oregon State University |
2:30 pm | BREAK | |
3:00 pm | Best Management Practices to Reduce Nitrate Loading in Agricultural Areas |
Abigail Tomasek Oregon State University |
3:30 pm | Best Management Practices for Mitigation of Plant Diseases: A Focus on Soilborne Diseases in Vegetable Crops |
Cynthia Ocamb Oregon State University |
4:00 pm | Biology and Management of Insect Vectors of Potato Pathogens |
Rodney Cooper USDA-ARS |
4:30 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 1 | WA - 1 | ID - | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
CEREAL SESSION Organizer: R. Qin and D. Wysocki |
8:00 am | Hemp Cover Cropping and Disease Suppression in Winter Wheat of The Dryland Pacific Northwest |
Christina Hagerty Oregon State University |
8:30 am | Winter Wheat Varieties for Irrigated Production in North Center Oregon |
Ryan Graebner Oregon State University |
9:00 am | Weed Control Options in Low Rainfall (Fallow-Based) Wheat Production Systems |
Larry Lutcher Oregon State University |
9:30 am | Russian Thistle Biology and Management |
Judit Barroso Oregon State University |
10:00 am | BREAK | |
10:30 am | Integrated Weed Control for Cereal Grain Systems |
Aaron Esser Washington State University |
11:00 am | Post-harvest Nutrient Management in Wheat |
Aaron Esser Washington State University |
11:30 am | Putting Drones to Work in Cereal Crops |
Christy Tanner Oregon State University |
12:00 pm | ADJOURN |
Credits: OR - 2 | WA - 3 | ID - 1 | CCA - PDF for breakdown of credits
1:00 pm | Companion Cropping of Spring Canola and Spring Peas in Eastern Oregon |
Don Wysocki Oregon State University |
1:30 pm | Cover Crop Growth and Effects on Weeds and Water in Wheat Systems in Low Rainfall Zones of Oregon |
Curtis Adams USDA-ARS |
2:00 pm | Stripe Rust Management |
Xianming Chen USDA-ARS |
2:30 pm | BREAK | |
3:00 pm | Nitrogen Leaching under Dryland Winter Wheat-Fallow and Winter Wheat-Winter Pea Cover Crop |
Hero Gollany USDA-ARS |
3:30 pm | Will No-till Increase Soil Carbon in Dryland Winter Wheat? |
Stewart Wuest USDA-ARS |
4:00 pm | Wild Oat Biology, Herbicide Resistance, and Management in Spring Wheat |
Darrin Walenta Oregon State University |
4:30 pm | ADJOURN |