The Global Hemp Innovation Center (GHIC) is responsive to the questions and needs of all people, no matter their background, level of expertise, or time engaged in agriculture. A founding value of GHIC is the advancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion through our land grant university mission of research, education, and extension engagement. We recognize there are those who have experienced systemic racism and not had access to emergent agricultural business opportunities such as presented by hemp. So especially now, the center wants to help provide Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities network and other assistance to reach equitable access to emergent hemp opportunities.
The Global Hemp Innovation Center was founded with the goal of devoting ten percent of its discretionary resources to advance equity, inclusion, and diversity initiatives.
To build a truly sustainable hemp-based economy, attention must be given to social justice approaches and actions that are inclusive and equitable for all.
Our Equity partners:
- Colorado State University Pueblo
- Alabama A&M University
- 7 Generations LLC
- Six American Indian Nations
- National Black Growers Council
- Momma Hemp LLC
- Phylos Bioscience
- Vote Hemp
- CHEM Global