Hemp at OSU
Cannabis Research Involving Human or Animal Subjects: Cannabis research is a highly regulated area that is subject to frequently changing laws, regulations, and policies. For help navigating the complex compliance requirements related to human or animal research in this area, please contact Jane Ishmael, GHIC liaison for Biomedical and Veterinary Research.
Hemp Disposal: OSU generated hemp wastes must be handled appropriately to avoid endangering public health and the environment. These wastes may be regulated as solid or hazardous wastes and may include the hemp plant material, hemp-infused products, pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, wastewater, and other wastes. Access the Hemp Disposal Guide on the OSU Environmental Health & Safety website.
Hemp in the Classroom: When faculty invite a representative of the hemp industry to interact with any OSU students, you will need them to complete the OSU Hemp Certification Form. Send the completed, signed document to [email protected]
Faculty do not need to be known to the GHIC if you are using hemp as demonstration class props. If the faculty member is providing hands-on instruction in propagation, growing, production, or other manipulations of viable propagules of hemp plants in laboratory, greenhouse, and or field, you will need to complete the Faculty Research Form.
Hemp Research Registry: The Global Hemp Innovation Center works with the vice president for research to ensure all hemp related activities follow current university policies, state and federal laws. Therefore, we ask that all Oregon State University faculty who are currently engaged or plan to engage in hemp research complete the Faculty Hemp Research Form.
New Oregon Hemp Law and Rules for 2022 | ODA Hemp Research License: Effective 2022, there is only one hemp license for the entirety of OSU, called a Research License. The Global Hemp Innovation Center (GHIC) submits the application for the hemp research license to the ODA on behalf of all university locations/researchers. The Research Office Cannabis Working Group makes it a requirement of faculty who are planning to grow or experiment with viable hemp tissue to identify themselves to the GHIC via the Faculty Hemp Research Form. The GHIC director will contact the faculty member to inquire whether they will be a Key Participant (KP) or be reporting to a Key Participant. ODA will arrange to conduct a background check, including fingerprinting, for all faculty identified as Key Participants. GHIC will cover the cost of this check.
OSU On-Farm Research: OSU Faculty doing research on private farms should ensure the farm is certified by ODA to grow hemp; and complete and sign the OSU Hemp Certification Form. Send the completed, signed document to [email protected]. The faculty member should complete the Faculty Hemp Research Form.
Cannabis Research Policy: Guidance on Hemp, Marijuana, and other Cannabis Research and Outreach Activities. For faculty, staff, and students involved in research and extension. Cannabis Research Policy
Hemp in Campus Greenhouses: please contact James Ervin, manager of OSU greenhouse operations, if you have any questions about growing hemp in campus greenhouses. Greenhouse policy