Get a Dam Passport!

New program encourages more students to study abroad

For the first time, the College of Agricultural Sciences and College of Forestry partnered with the National and Global Scholarships Advising Office to receive a grant from the Institute of International Education (IIE) and a matching OSU Internationalization grant from the Office of Faculty Affairs. These combined funds allow us to offer first-time U.S. passports to 50 high financial need students in these two colleges.

According to LeAnn Joy Adam, Director of National and Global Scholarships Advising in the Honors College, “The idea is to prove the concept that this powerful document will enable more underrepresented students to have experiences abroad, and hopefully create a sustainable program at OSU going forward.”

Less than a week after the program was announced, 26 students were nominated with more expected to be submitted for review soon.

“Getting a passport is the first step to unlocking opportunities to study abroad,” added Dave Stone, the Associate Dean for International Programs in the College of Agricultural Sciences. “It is a hurdle we are thrilled to help students overcome as we continue to look for ways to get a broader range of students to engage as global citizens.”
