CAS / COE Ignite Session






Better Together:

Amplifying the Power of Engineering and Agriculture at OSU








Why this ignite session?



Sparked by conversations of harnessing strengths at OSU in developing solutions to the world’s pressing problems, the goal of the Better Together Ignite Session was to link researchers from the College of Agricultural Sciences and the College of Engineering and to identify teams to support with team nucleation seed funding.

Individuals or teams of researchers were invited to give short presentations that highlighted the opportunity for new research collaboration between Ag and Engineering that address humanity’s biggest challenges (Food security, Climate Change Resilience, Energy, Environment, and Water).

Following the February 2 event, participants were given the opportunity to apply for one year of seed funding. This funding will support the nucleation of at least 2 teams working toward the development of a visionary concept.


Event Recording



























Liang Huang (Email) College of Engineering 'RNA Computational Biology' Collaborators: Robyn Tanguay
Alan Fern (Email) College of Engineering How can we expand and leverage AgAID?'  

Bill Jaeger

(Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Using integrated hydro-economic system models to find sustainable solutions to water scarcity' Collaborators: John Antle, Steve Gingerich, Dan Bigelow
Harish Subbaraman (Email) College of Engineering 'Low-cost printed and flexible hybrid electronic sensors for real-time monitoring of changes in parameters affecting crop health and stored produce quality'  
Massimo Bionaz (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Robotic dairy farm as a hub for research and development of the next generation AI farming' Collaborators: Serkan Ates
Larry Cheng (Email) College of Engineering 'Point-of-use biosensing technology for agricultural applications'  
Yong Chen (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Regional economic impacts of engineering innovations'  
John Selker (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Undergraduate multi-disciplinary engineering of environmental monitoring systems'  
Glen Li (Email) College of Engineering 'Potential of valorizing biobased polymers from nut shells'  
Adam Ward (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Resilient river corridors at the intersection of infrastructure, agriculture, & ecosystems'  
Gerrad Jones (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'A multi-faceted approach to assessing soil health following biosolids land application' Collaborators: Tala Navab-Daneshmand, Lew Semprini, Manuel García-Jaramillo
Joy Waite-Cusic (Email) College of Agricultural Sciences 'Heavy metal tolerance and antimicrobial resistance in key bacteria of importance to the food system and environment' Collaborators: Tala Navab-Daneshmand, Jovana Kovacevic
Joe Louis (Email) College of Engineering 'Operations Analysis and Optimization for Agriculture'