Volume 2, Issue 2
The upcoming academic year marks the third year since the College of Agricultural Sciences launched its Culture, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce. As we reflect upon the most recent work done to advance and recognize efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive college, I am proud to see the progress we continue to make.
The Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence (SPIE) is nearly final and will be launched in the fall of 2023. However, we are not waiting for its launch to continue to make investments in diversity, equity and inclusion.
Over the summer, a subcommittee of CEDI taskforce members is working on a position description for a new Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence. This is a direct response to feedback from the 700+ people who participated in the SPIE development.
We will also be looking to recruit new members to the CEDI taskforce. Look for information from your unit leaders about these efforts in the next few weeks.
Another area of focus for the coming year is to expand opportunities for experiential learning for our students. This summer there are College of AgSci students conducting research, contributing to communities, and gaining new perspectives across Oregon, the nation and the world. We are looking for ways to create more of these life-changing experiences for our students, particularly for those who have historically been excluded or are currently underrepresented in experiential learning opportunities.
One program that has recently been recognized for advancing this work is the VIEW fellowship in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences department. It was recently recognized with the 2023 Diversity Award from the Wildlife Society and serves as a good example for the kinds of programs we can continue to build. There is a growing community of stakeholders willing and able to invest in this important work, as the value of expanding diverse perspectives in the future of agriculture and natural resources is continually reinforced.
Thank you for sharing in these goals and for being a part of making tomorrow better for everyone.
Staci L. Simonich, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Dean and Reub Long Professor
College of Agricultural Sciences
Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station
Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence
A year in the making, the College of Agricultural Science’s first Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence is nearly final. Under the leadership of Gail Langellotto, this was a true community-wide effort that included more than 700 participants both within and outside the college who voiced their vision for a more inclusive college where everyone can thrive. Elements of the plan are already being executed as we prepare to share it broadly in the fall. The work towards building a more inclusive and equitable college is central to our mission to make tomorrow better for everyone. Look for more information in the fall!
As part of the College's investment in advancing access to STEM fields for historically underrepresented communities, we regularly advertise in the national Diversity in Action magazine that shares that vision. The past few ads are below.

Western Region Teaching and Student Award for Excellence
Supporting the University/College mission for providing all students with quality experiential learning opportunities, Wanda is a dedicated educator in many aspects of student engagement (research/internship, study abroad, service-learning, and leadership development). She mentors and advises student learners in personal, professional, and academic growth areas, both in and outside the classroom. At the recent Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) Western Region Joint Summer Meeting, Wanda Crannell was recognized for her dedication to students. As an instructor and undergraduate advisor Wanda teaches, supports, and enhances the academic, career, and personal development of undergraduate Bioresource Research (BRR) Interdisciplinary Sciences Program students. She provides specialized student services including academic advising, research placement and tracking, internships and fellowships, awards and grant applications, research orientation and science communications instructions. She contributes to the College of Agricultural Sciences' recruitment and retention of BIPOC students advising OSU MANRRS and SACNAS Chapters. She works with federal agencies and partners developing service-learning programs and providing support for diverse student participation in study abroad. As PI/Co-PI she develops student engagement programming for Multicultural Scholars Programs (MSP), Women and Minorities in STEM (WAMS), and Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates (REEU) – USDA NIFA grants and serves on College, University and National boards and committees, including the college’s CEDI Taskforce. She directly impacts two special populations of students - undergraduate research students and those that have been historically underrepresented in science; reaching them early and providing a pathway to STEM education.
The Western Region Joint Summer meeting includes: Western Extension Directors Association, Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors, Western Academic Programs Section, Western Administrative Heads Section, and Western Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching.

OSU VIEW Fellowship awarded The Wildlife Society’s 2023 Diversity Award
The Vanguarding an Inclusive Ecological Workforce (VIEW) fellowship in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences (FWCS) recently was named the winner of the Wildlife Society’s Diversity Award. This summer research experience program supports the professional development of future ecologists from communities that have historically been excluded or are currently underrepresented in the field.
The goal of the VIEW Fellowship is to increase participants’ access to graduate school by helping them attain technical skills and by developing a network of professionals who can serve as a mentor and reference as they move into their careers. Fellows gain marketable experience in collaboration and research, build relationships with their cohort, grow their professional network, and learn more about the field of fisheries, wildlife, and conservation.