Contact Information

Most farm activities are centered around the shop. Because we are often in the field, the shop phone has voice mail. During the field season, you can expect your messages to be returned around: 10:15, 12:30, and 3:00.

Hyslop Farm Manager for Hyslop and Schmidt farms:

Kenny King
(541) 936-9048 cell

Equipment Maintenance and Repair:

Kevin Pompe
(541) 737-2855 office


Hyslop Crop Science Field Research Laboratory
3455 NE Granger
Corvallis, OR 97330


Phone numbers:

Hyslop Shop
(541) 737-2855

Seed Cleaning Room
(541) 737-6068

Wheat Research
(541) 737-6069

Wheat Lab
(541) 737-6070