Cereal Leaf Beetle Integrated Pest Management for the Klamath Basin
To Learn more about the Cereal Leaf Beetle Life Cycle, History and Management click here.
For more information on Cereal Leaf Beetle Control Measures, check out the Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook.
To run the Cereal Leaf Beetle Life Cycle Model for your location click on the Oregon State University Integrated Plant Protection Center Website and move the map to select the weather station nearest you.
Small Grain Links
The Oregon Barley Project - The Barley Project has research plots planted at various locations throughout the state of Oregon including: Hyslop Farm near Corvallis, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center in Pendleton, and the Klamath Experiment Station.
Oregon Wheat Growers League - This page offers comprehensive information on Oregon Wheat activities and upcoming meetings, grain markets, and links to databases and other interesting sites.
UC Pest Management Guidelines - Small Grains - These guidelines represent the best information currently available to the authors and are intended to help you in making the best choices for an IPM program.
National Pesticide Telecommunications Network - Cooperative effort of OSU and the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Extension Toxicology Network (ExToxNet) - Science-based information about pesticides - written for the non-expert
Video highlighting Oregon grown and researched wheat.