
Corvallis and Ecampus Campus Coursework: Course Catalog of the on-campus and Ecampus Leadership Minor coursework.

Proposal Outline: This outline is a resource if you would like to follow an outline while creating your draft proposal. It will have all of the pieces you will need to help prepare you before submitting your final electronic proposal.  

Sample Proposal: Visit our page with examples of proposals using the Proposal Outline for ideas and clarifications.

Searching for an Experience?: Resource is designed to help you brainstorm what type of position you might like to take on for your applied leadership development experience.

Are your already in a position, and are you wondering if the position could be used for your Applied Leadership Development experience? Follow this link to view a few examples where students were already in a position and are planning to supplement the experience with specific tasks to enhance their current role or job.

Supervisor Verification FormWhen applying for an Applied Leadership Development experience, you will need your site supervisor to fill out a "Supervisor Verification Form." Please print this out, have the site supervisor fill out the information, sign the form, and then copy this form to electronically submit when submitting your electronic proposal. All proposals must have a "Supervisor Verification Form" before being approved. It is advisable to bring this form with you when you speak to a site supervisor about the experience.

Site Supervisor Informational Packet: If your site supervisor cannot view the webpage or would like a physical copy of the agreement, this is a printable packet.

Electronic Proposal Submission: Submit your proposal electronically once you have completed all steps required for the submission. 

Meet Our Advisors: Meet our core advisor team. They are here to support and encourage you while earning your minor in Leadership.