Principles and guidelines for joint tax service districts


From the beginning, OSU Extension's mission has been to convey research-based knowledge in a way that is useful for people to improve their lives, their homes, and their communities.  OSU Extension faculty work with business people, growers, foresters, youth, community leaders, and others. They see first-hand what’s working, and what’s not working, in Oregon communities. Extension educators work with scientists at Oregon State University, where they focus their research on the real issues important to real people. Results from that research circle back to the community through Extension programs. Knowledge grows from this cycle of reaching out and engaging the people who use it.

The Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) is the principal agricultural research agency in the state. Its mission is to conduct research in the agricultural, biological, social, and environmental sciences for the economic, social and environmental benefit of Oregon. People and partnerships are the heart of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station research enterprise.  Oregon producers, processors, marketers and our OSU scientists, technicians, support staff and students are critically important to identifying and addressing the agricultural, environmental, and natural resource challenges that confront people today.

Principles Underlying a Joint Tax Service District:

For more than 100 years, the Agricultural Experiment Station and the Extension Service have been partners in providing research-based knowledge to solve problems and improve the lives of Oregonians.

Addressing many of Oregon’s agricultural, biological, and environmental challenges requires that the research be done regionally due to Oregon’s diverse geography, climate, and ecosystems. The Agricultural Experiment Station’s network of fifteen branch research stations evolved to meet these regional needs.

Joint tax service districts provide a mechanism for funding integrated applied research that informs Extension programs focused on solving local problems.

Guidance for Operationalizing a Joint Service District:

Key Values: Inclusiveness, Stakeholder Primacy, Transparency, Accountability, Impact

OSU will appoint co-representatives (one from Extension and one from AES) with joint responsibility for all interactions with a County Service District established in support of these functions.  (This could be one person in situations, e.g. Klamath, Jackson, where one individual shares the Regional Administrator and Branch Station Director duties.)

OSU’s co-representatives have shared responsibility for prioritizing research and Extension programs to be supported by tax district revenues in partnership with local government authorities and the local tax district advisory committee.

OSU’s co-representatives will work jointly to develop annual work plans and specific research and Extension budgets for meeting the objectives of the Service District.

OSU’s co-representatives will work together to coordinate administrative procedures and account for Service District expenditures and activities.

The Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Service are jointly responsible for delivering the research and Extension impacts envisioned by creation of the joint service district.