Managing Projects

  • Define Goals
  • Find Funding
  • Prepare Proposal
  • Submit Proposal
  • Award Set Up
  • Managing Projects
  • Close Out

Understand your award document.  Each grant or contract has slightly different requirements when it comes to reporting.  By reading over the award document, the principal investigator can understand the timeline of required reporting.  While the Office of Sponsored Research and Award Administration will submit required financial reports, the principal investigator/project director is responsible for reports on research progress, often annually.


Monitor budgetary expenditures.  Work with your grants and contracts accountant in the Agricultural and Marine Sciences Business Center.  They can help you get up-to-date information on grant spending -- and make sure expenditures are categorized in a way that is consistent with the award.  You can also use CORE to monitor expenditures, which also will give you grant details through the Grant Reporting,Reimursement, and Scholarship System (GRRS).  Watch a training video to familiarize yourself with GRRS.


USDA Projects.  USDA provides guidelines on reporting in the REEPort Guide for Project Directors.  The Agricultural Experiment Station requires annual reporting for capacity projects. Contact Meghan Heineman if you have questions about reporting for Agricultural Experiment Station  projects.