Employees of the university must have a common goal of keeping accidents to a minimum. Most accidental injuries in the work environment are caused by unsafe work habits. Therefore, all employees should continually strive to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury. Employees are urged to make safe performance an essential element of every task.
The safety training for all of those that will be on the Corvallis Farm Unit farms, such as Hyslop, Veg Farm, Botany Plant-Pathology, Lewis Brown and Woodhall, is provided through the university Canvas Studio site:
Your supervisor must sign you up as a student on the Canvas Studio Site so that you can begin to take the training. You must also have an OSU user name (ONID) and password to access the Canvas Site.
Supervisors and/or instructors that want to sign up students must be signed up as a Leader on the Canvas system. For Leader safety signup, please contact Dan Curry and he will get you signed up. You are then able to sign up anyone you would like to take the safety training.
If you need additional help please contact any of the following people:
- your supervisor
- Justin Litwin (541) 791-4389