Observing Healthcare and Medicine in Ecuador

Anna Breen is a third year honors student majoring in BioResource Research, optioning in Biotechnology and Toxicology, and minoring in Chemistry. As a premed student, she was looking for an international experience where she could observe healthcare in a different socioeconomic system. She spent 10 weeks in Ecuador on an internship with Child Family Health International observing in clinics, hospitals, and various other healthcare platforms while living with a host family. This immersive experience allowed her the opportunity to learn about a different culture and develop her Spanish, as well as see healthcare from an entirely new perspective. Witnessing how a relatively low resource country is able to make healthcare incredibly accessible, in addition to making lasting friends with Ecuadorians in the field, was a transformative experience for her.

Anna Breen (right), undergraduate in Bioresource Research, explains her internship in Ecuador to Alyssa Nelson (far left) (undergraduate in Animal Sciences) and Liz Larew (donor).

From Left to right: Assistant Dean Dr. Penny Diebel, Dr. Hiram Larew, founder of Global Experience Fund, and Anna Breen, undergraduate major in Bioresearch Research