Symptoms and signs of the smut disease, Urocystis trillii, is showing up on Trillium sp. in the field this June. This particular smut is sometimes classified as a stem smut due to the location of the sori with the erupting teliospores on the stem. According to Dr. Jay Pscheidt, OSU Extension Plant Pathologist, smuts generally are soilborne and infect as plants emerge through the soil. This is why chemical control for these diseases is usually done as a seed treatment. In this case it would be bulb or rhizome treatment. But we have not been able to find management information or labels at this time for control of smut on Trillium.
Rotating to different ground is another option but wash host material well before moving so that spores in the soil or on the plants are not also moved. And maintain sanitation by removing and disposing of diseased plants.
G. M. Mueller, G. F. Bills, and M. S. Foster. 2004. Biodiversity of fungi: inventory and monitoring methods. Academic Press. 777 pgs.
Page last modified 6/17/10
Photo: Lisa Rehms, Oregon Department of Agriculture