Azalea lace bug

Azalea Lace Bug – Biology and management in commercial nurseries and landscapes (EM 9066) - Free downloadable PDF

Chinche de encaje de azalea - Una nueva plaga de las azaleas y rhododendros (EM 9066-S) - Free downloadable PDF

Azalea Lace Bug – Chinche de encaje de la azalea (EM 9066-P)
Order 24" x 36" vinyl POSTER, bilingual, with color images and brief descriptions.


Azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides, has been confirmed recently (summer 2009) in Oregon and was confirmed in 2008 in the state of Washington. Damage from this new introduction was noticed first on evergreen azalea plants in landscapes which turn nearly white from feeding damage. This lace bug is also causing damage on rhododendrons, the damage appears to be more severe than damage reported from rhododendron lace bug which has been in the PNW for some time and is reported to have only one generation per year compared to multiple generations reported for azalea lacebug.


Useful websites:

Rosetta, R. 2014. Stealing the Green. Digger. April 2014.

Featured Creatures: Azalea lace bug. Great reference site with nice images and control information.

Encore Azalea varieties resistant to azalea lace bug Nursery Management and Production

UC IPM Online: Lace bugs

Azalea lace bug damage on azalea

Azalea lace bug damage on azalea close up

Azalea lace bugs and damage on azalea close up

Azalea lace bug damage on rhododendron

Severe azalea lace bug damage on rhododendron

Azalea lace bug nymphs and fecal spotting on the underside of a rhododendron leaf

Azalea lace bug nymphs and fecal spotting on the underside of a rhododendron leaf

Azalea lace bug eggs covered by excrement are often inserted into the midrib of a leaf.

Azale lace bug eggs tend to be laid singly on the rest of the leaf but still covered in excrement. One can see holes in the area of the brown patches post-emergence.

Newly hatched (eclosed) azalea lace bug nymphs on rhododendron as it looks with the naked eye

First and second instar lace bug nymphs

Azalea lace bug adult

Lacewing larva, a beneficial insect, found near lace bug infestation

Lace bug lunch for lacewing larva