Peach twig borer

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum

Peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella, caused this damage on purple leaf plum. Images are from third week in July.

Useful websites:

WSU Orchard Pest Management Online: Peach twig borer Nice images, useful phenological and management information.

UC IPM Online: Peach twig borer

Berry, R. E. 1998. Peach Twig Borer. Insect and Mites of Economic Importance in the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Ed.

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum

PTB tunnel in shoot. Photo: Rosetta

PTB tunnel in shoot.
Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer emergence hole on purple leaf plum. Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer emergence hole on purple leaf plum.
Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer caterpillar. Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer caterpillar.
Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum. Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum.
Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum. Photo: Rosetta

Peach twig borer damage on purple leaf plum.
Photo: Rosetta