There are several species of whitefly that are key pests in ornamental production. There are recent introductions in the PNW including ash whitefly, Siphoninus phillyreae; banded whitefly, Trialeurodes abutilonea; cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella; and in greenhouses, Bemisa tabacia Q biotype whitefly. The Q biotype whitefly which has resistance or reduced susceptibility to many insecticides. For more information on the new strain of whitefly, see the fact sheet at the link. The best site for current information and updates on Q biotype whitefly is the website developed by the Technical Advisory Committee.
ATTRA Greenhouse IPM: Sustainable whitefly control This site covers the basics in easily written language and has a strong emphasis on integrated management including good sections on biological control and the use of biorational materials and insect growth regulators.
USDA Whitefly Knowledgebase. This website has good information on the following species of whiteflies: bandedwing whitefly, greenhouse whitefly, silverleaf whitefly, and sweet potato whitefly; and a key to distinguish the above given various life stages. The management section covers many useful basics.
A Grower’s Guide to Using Biological Control for Silverleaf Whitefly on Poinsettias in the Northeast United States is a website designed by the University of Massachusetts Extension Service. It has extensive information on whitefly biology, biological control.
UC IPM Pestnotes website on whifeflies has one of the larger lists of the various whitefly species acting in ornamentals
Original version: <12 April 2013)
Last update <26 August 2019>
Author: R.L. Rosetta, Extension Nursery Integrated Pest Management, Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University/NWREC.