Boxwood Blight Resources



FREE YEAR-ROUND WORKSHOP OFFERING!!! Please keep visit our official page to learn more!!!!

 Learn How to Scout for Boxwood Blight with This New Video! 

Boxwood Blight Insight Group (BBIG) is a team of scientists working together on an USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture – Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) project, in partnership with stakeholders and international collaborators. This transdisciplinary team and its partners aim to safeguard boxwood—the nation’s #1 evergreen ornamental shrub crop—from blight disease, thus saving an iconic plant featured in American landscapes since 1653. 

-From Horticultural Research Institute


 Boxwood Blight Mobile-Friendly Resource! English and Spanish Versions Available

Learn how to identify and manage boxwood blight in a nursery setting. Content includes information on host plants, transmission of the disease, and management, with photos and descriptions of symptoms of boxwood blight and damage to plants.



Esta publicación contiene información sobre plantas huéspedes conocidas, cómo se dispersan las esporas del hongo, y cómo manejar el tizón de boxwood, con fotos y descripciones de síntomas y daño. Hay también un póster bilingüe que contiene fotos y descripciones de síntomas y daño en español y inglés.








Boxwood Blight: Bilingual Large-Scale Poster

Content includes photos and descriptions of symptoms of boxwood blight and damage to plants. The poster file is designed to print up to 24 x 36 inches.



The Healthy Plants and Bilingual Education Program is proud to introduce a new, 3 hour interactive workshop aimed at introducing the public to the basics of scouting. We emphasize boxwood blight disease symptoms and signs, but anyone can join to learn the basics of plant pathology and how to keep your plants happy and healthy! We ask for a strong internet connection to participate in this workshop. It is offered on demand, so please email us if you are interested in signing up for a workshop!