Oregon IPM Insider Fall 2020


     News & Alerts
  • Chlorpyrifos comment period open, ODA loses funding for noxious weeds, SWD alternatives and more.
       Five things to Know
  • Silvia Rondon of HAREC shares some cool videos and the status of Colorado potato beetle in Oregon in 2020. 
      Update from PSEP
  • Pesticide Safety Education Program has new option for online recertification credits
      New IPM Staff & Faculty and Awards
  • Chrissy Dodge joins the McDonnell Lab and Emily Carlson is named to ESA’s Policy Fellows Class of 2020
     New Publications
  • Lots of new extension docs including one about AGH for beekeepers and omnivorous leaftier. Don’t know what that is? Better read the pub!
     Grants and Job Opportunities
  • A handful of excellent positions and some funding available right now.

News & Alerts




VegNet continues with support from Western and Oregon IPM Centers

The 25-year-old program serves as a warning system to vegeteable producers in the Willamette Valley...


Joyce Loper appointed as Interim Director of Oregon IPM Center

The longtime researcher of biological control of plant pathogens replaces Dan Edge as interim director of the Center...


Need to know: REIs vs PHIs

 At a recent integrated pest-management strategic planning meeting, some questions came up about how pre-harvest intervals (PHIs) and Restricted Entry Intervals (REIs) are related and how they differ... 



Ray Smith Memorial Library closed until 2024

The Ray Smith Memorial IPM Library, maintained by the Oregon IPM Center, was drastically downsized as part of the Cordley Hall renovation...


Opportunity for public comment: 2020 Report of the State IPM Coordinating Committee

In accordance with House Bill 3364, the 2020 Report of the State IPM Coordinating Committee is now released for public comment. Comments on the report will be accepted through October 9th, 2020. The report and comment submission process can be accessed here: https://beav.es/oNt

The State IPM Report is intended to describe the status of Oregon’s state agency and public university IPM programs, including the committee meetings held, and the IPM status of each state agency and public university involved. This includes advances, innovations, and training activities in IPM, as well as key challenge areas and recommendations for program improvements.

Read the 2020 State IPM Report


How to: Build your own spore trap 

Walt Mahaffee, plant pathologist with USDA-ARS in Corvallis, recently presented research about disease detection monitoring as a decision aid for the Western IPM Center’s IPM Hour. In the presentation, he outlined building your own spore trap for use in your field or vineyard. Walt’s team has put together this instructional document for your to DIY your own spore trap.

Watch the Presentation  Download the Plans

Update from PSEP


Busy Season is Coming!

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) is hard at work preparing a strong schedule of continuing education events for licensed pesticide applicators. All of our recertification events this season will be delivered as webinars. You can participate in the comfort of your home or office, or even in the cab of your truck!

Over 40 High-Quality Webinars to Choose From

We offer morning and afternoon sessions at each webinar event, with a variety of speakers from industry, academia, and government. Tailor your recertification experience by picking the most relevant topics to your industry and interests. You can view the agenda for each 2-hour session on the PSEP live webinar website. Featured topics are offered more than once, such as:

  • Pollinator protection practices
  • Updated laws & regulations
  • Disinfectants: public health pesticides
  • Pesticide research updates

Online Registration Has Never Been Easier

With our new online registration system, you can easily view all of our sessions and select multiple events, all on one screen. 


More Affordable than Ever

At $40 per session, our webinars offer flexibility and affordability. You can register at any time, even on the day of the event! No travel costs, and no sitting through sessions that don’t pertain to your work.


Simple Technology

We know technology can be intimidating and frustrating at times, and we have you covered. All you need is an internet-connected computer, tablet, or smart phone. We provide step-by-step instructions on how to access the webinars and customer service to help you if problems arise.

Learn more about PSEP Live Webinars

Five things to know: Colorado potato beetle  

Five things to know about: Colorado Potato Beetle

Silvia Rondon of HAREC and growers are seeing large populations of Colorado potato beetle (CPB) this year in eastern Oregon. We reached out to ask her more about this pest:

  • When are potatoes most susceptible to CPB? 
    • After planting and before-during tuber formation. There are some peer reviewed studies that report little effect on yield if cpb feeds on foliage after tuber maturation.
  • What are some IPM tactics that can be used to combat CPB?
    • Crop rotation, remove debris from previous season, insecticide at planting, border crops, biological control exists but it is limited.
  • What kinds of projects is your lab working on to manage CPB?
    • Pahoua Yang was a graduate student in my program; she graduated late December 2019. Her work focused on establishing baseline information about NW CPB population against common pesticides. Michael Crossley, a student from Univ. of Wisconsin, studied the effect of landscape on the evolution of CPB in the PNW and midwest. Find out more here: http://blogs.Oregonstate.Edu/iaep/
  • Is potato the only crop that is affected by CPB?
    • CPB affects solanaceous crops including tomato, eggplants, but CPB has a strong affinity for potatoes. I am conducting some field evaluations to determine the preference of CPB to some common potato varieties. Next year, I am enrolling a PhD student to study chemical reasons CPB prefers some varieities compared to others. Occasionally, you see them nibbling on other crops like hemp.
  • Tell us one really cool fact about CPB:  
    • Although CPB are “loyal” to potatoes, you can find them feeding on flowers of goat head. This is a very common weed in eastern oregon. I think that is super cool ..Adaptation? Evolution? We will see! 

      Silvia recently posted a couple of videos showing the huge CPB populations in Eastern Oregon and adults feeding on goat head.


Check out Silvia's CPB Videos here

New Faculty and Recent Awards

New Faculty
Dr. Christine Dodge, Faculty Reseach Assistant, Department of Crop and Soil Science

Chrissy received her Ph.D. in Entomology in 2019 from the University of California, Riverside, where she worked on invasive ambrosia beetles and their fungal symbionts. Although she’ll always hold insects (especially beetles) close to her heart, she is excited to join the Mc Donnell Lab, where her research will focus on biocontrol and management of pest snails and slugs.



Awards and Recognition
Emily Carlson, Ph. D. Student, Department of Horticulture

Emily Carlson, a PhD student at Oregon State University, studies how pesticide exposure differs between honey bees and native bees with varying landscape context. Emily  was selected for the ESA Policy Fellows Class of 2020. Notably, Emily was the only non-faculty member selected for the Policy Fellows Class. The Science Policy Fellows program is a two-year active training program to teach entomologists the skills needed to successfully advocate for the discipline.  

Grants & Job Opportunities


Find our updated grants and job list here



Employment Opportunities
  • Pest Management Specialist (Salem-Keizer School District) Under general supervision, implement comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures regarding the elimination and/or control of pest and the prevention of pest infestations in buildings and surrounding areas by mechanical, physical, or chemical treatment. Job ID 1685. Posted Aug 28, 2020. Closing date not specified. 
  • IPM Manager (DCA West Coast) We are seeking a proactive and driven individual who wants to utilize their knowledge and skills to develop a cutting edge Internal Pest Management program. No closing date specified.
  • Pest Management Guidelines Coordinator (Writer Editor 3) (UCDavis). Under the direction of the Principal Editor Supervisor, coordinate the development, updating, editing, review, and production of the Pest Management Guidelines series of publications, authored by UC scientists. Closes Sept. 25, 2020
  • Research Plant Physiologist / Research Horticulturalist (WSU, Prosser, WA). Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit has an opening for a permanent position based at the Washington State University Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, Washington. A major focus of the research will be on detection of water stress and its management. There are good opportunities for collaboration, translation research, and engagement with industry. Closes Oct 27, 2020. 

Recent IPM publications from OSU Staff & Faculty


Oregon State University Extension Publications



Peer-reviewed (may require a subscription)


Oregon IPM Insider

Vol I, Issue 3: September 2020

Short link: https://beav.es/ofy

Produced by Oregon IPM Center, Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences

Questions / Comments / Ideas / Suggestions? Send to [email protected]

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