Oregon IPM Insider Winter 2021


     News & Alerts
  • A new biofilm for SWD, Homeowner IPM, nematodes to flight slugs, and more.

  • Oregon IPM Center researchers examine the true cost of pests, Dani Lightle is the new Pesticide Network Coordinator, and ODA needs your input!

       Five things to Know
  • What you need to know about this new pest that could be more devastating than BMSB

      Update from PSEP
  • Pesticide Safety Education Program had a banner year in 2020!
      New IPM Staff & Faculty and Awards
  • OSU Students nailed it at some recent conferences
     New Publications & Podcasts
  • Lots of new extension docs and a new section highlighting podcasts featuring IPM-related content. 
     Grants and Job Opportunities
  • Oregon IPM Center and NWREC need new directors, and IR-4 has a ton of openings. Plus, ODA has a new grant available. 

News & Alerts



Crop Pest Losses & Impact Analyses show long term results of IPM Strategies

Isaac Sandlin and Hans Luh of the Oregon IPM Center crunch the numbers to find the impacts of pests on NW Crops


Dani Lightle named Pesticide Network Coordinator 

The Oregon State alum recently returned to OSU's North Willamette Research & Extension Center

Invasive Species in Oregon: 2020 Round-up!

Multiple invasive insect pests are currently threatening Oregonians in our homes, in our natural areas, and on our farms. Here’s a quick update about new developments for some of the high-profile pests around the state.

Update from PSEP


Another year at the Pesticide Safety Education Center comes to a close

2020 has been a year for the record books. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted every aspect of PSEP’s day-to-day operations. Nonetheless, we adapted and are thriving. As this year comes to a close, the PSEP team has been reflecting on the challenges, the successes, and the amazing communities that we serve. We are humbled that so many have looked to our program for their pesticide recertification needs.


Live webinars provide convenience and safety like never before

With the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s approval of webinar recertification during the COVID-19 pandemic, PSEP has served over 1,300 attendees from every corner of the state and invited over a dozen speakers to present topics such as water quality, IPM practices, forestry management, and pollinator protection.


Online courses are on-demand and in demand

But that’s not all! In 2020, PSEP launched 3 new on-demand, online courses. Since July, close to 300 recertification credits have been earned through our online courses. Our most recent addition to the PSEP course catalog is The Label is the Law: How to Read a Pesticide Label, launched on December 18th. Get back to the basics with this course and look at the important aspects of a pesticide label with fresh eyes.


Last-minute options for pesticide recertification credits in 2020

Still need to earn a few more credits before the year is over?

  • PSEP has one more webinar scheduled on December 30th, 9 am – 11 am. You can earn 2 ODA credits and topics include the health impacts of chronic chlorpyrifos exposure and rodent management. Check out our Live Webinars website to register. You won’t want to miss this one!
  • You can also earn up to 5 recertification credits with our Online Courses. Get first access to our new course or choose another one that you have not taken yet this year. All of our online courses offer ODA approved CORE credits and can be taken at any time, day or night.

Learn more about PSEP Live Webinars

Five things to know: Spotted Lanternfly  

Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), a potentially destructive invasive species, was detected in Oregon for the first time in 2020. Here’s five things you need to know about this threatening Hemipteran:

  • Spotted lanternfly is a new invasive pest of plants in the United States. 
  • Spotted lanternfly has been detected in multiple states, and is spreading.
  • Two dead spotted lanternflies were reported in Oregon in 2020.
  • Spotted lanternfly is a pest of PNW crops such as wine grapes, hops, and apples, but it's also a serious nuisance pest.
    • Spotted lanternfly nymphs and adults have a wide host range, including grapes, fruit trees, and hardwood trees. It’s not only a threat to producers; populations can get huge and become a giant headache in residential areas. The feeding insects exude honeydew while they feed, causing a sticky mess.
  • If you see something that you think might be spotted lanternfly, report it right away to one of these agencies: 


Do you use biological control?
Do you want to use biocontrol?
ODA wants to hear from you! 

The Oregon Department of Agriculture and Oregon IPM Center are teaming up to get the pulse of interest and usage of biological control in Oregon cropping systems.
Take the survey to help shape the direction of their new biocontrol program.

Take the survey here! Share the survey! It’s quick and anonymous! https://beav.es/JqE

For more information, contact, Max Ragozzino, Biological Control Specialist at ODA, [email protected]

 Recent Awards

Congratulations to these students for their presentations at recent conferences!

  • Kennedy Grant, First Place, Undergraduate 10-minute Papers, P-IE, Pollinators Section, Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2020. Robust honey bee colonies are worth their weight in fruit: Colony strength and its effects on yield in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)”

  • Brianna Price, First Place, Student Paper Competition, PNW Insect Management Conference, January 2021. Physiology behind using erythritol and sucralose for spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) control.
  • Claire Donahoo, Second Place, Student Paper Competition, PNW Insect Management Conference, January 2021. Redistribution and establishment of the samurai wasp, Trissolcus japonicus, an invasive egg parasitoid of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in Oregon.
  • Emily Carlson, Third Place, Student Paper Competition, PNW Insect Management Conference, January 2021. Honeybee and native bee visitation in sweet cherry orchards and carrot seed productions.

Grants & Job Opportunities


Find our updated grants and job list here

  • Specialty Crop Block Grants (Oregon Department of Agriculture). The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is now accepting proposals for project ideas as part of the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) for 2021. Approximately $1.5 million is expected to be available to agriculture industry associations, producer groups, processors, commodity commissions, non-profits, for-profits, and local government agencies in Oregon. Submissions are due January 29th, 2021 at NOON.
Employment Opportunities

Recent IPM publications and Podcasts 


Oregon State University Extension Publications

Peer-reviewed (may require a subscription)
NEW! Podcasts

Starting with this issue, we’ll feature podcasts produced by and starring IPM-related staff and faculty. We’ll also highlight some IPM-related podcasts from around the airwaves (wi-fi waves?)

  • PolliNation Podcast - Produced by Andony Melathopoulos, Oregon State University Extension. “Stories of researchers, land managers and concerned citizens who are making bold strides to improve the health of pollinators.”

  • Finding Genius: December 28, 2020: The Four P’s and the Plights Affecting Bees featuring Priyadarshini Chakrabarti Basu in the OSU Honeybee Lab.

  • Research In Action, Produced by Dr. Katie Linder, former research director for OSU E-campus, “about topics and issues related to research in higher education.”

  • Over-informed on IPM, Produced by UNH Cooperative Extension. “A podcast by Extension State Specialist and Entomologist Anna Wallingford exploring the details of integrated pest management (IPM).”


Oregon IPM Insider

Vol II, Issue 1: Winter 2021 (Published Jan 12, 2021)

Short link: https://beav.es/Jcj

Produced by Oregon IPM Center, Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences

Questions / Comments / Ideas / Suggestions? Send to [email protected]

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Next issue: Spring 2021