The State of Oregon IPM Committee
The Statewide IPM Coordinator, housed at Oregon IPM Center, organizes and connects the IPM activities of state agencies and universities as part of the Legislature's goals of implementing a sustainable approach to pest management.
In 2013, the Oregon State Legislature passed House Bill 3364, which established an IPM Coordinating Committee, comprised of representatives from each of Oregon’s state agencies (under ORS 634.660) and public universities. The legislation recognizes that IPM offers a sustainable approach to addressing pest, disease and weed challenges within and among state agencies and universities, including pest management on state land and property holdings, as well as management that falls within state agencies’ statutory responsibilities to protect, health, the environment, the state economy, and the cultural and aesthetic value of Oregon’s natural heritage.
The Committee meets three times annually, with broad goals that include:
- Promoting information exchange among state agencies regarding IPM methods and approaches, best practices, and program successes and challenges;
- Providing opportunities for education and training for agency personnel that advance IPM and support pest management innovation;
- Supporting agency development of adaptive management approaches to IPM;
- Achieving improved IPM adoption and reduced risk to humans and environment through collaborative tracking & monitoring of agency IPM status, and collective response to challenges.
2022 Biennial Report of the state IPM Coordinating Committee, published April 7, 2023
- 2020 Biennial Report of the State IPM Coordinating Committee (PDF)
- 2018 Biennial Report of the State IPM Coordinating Committee
Current Committee Members
Oregon State University
- Silvia Rondon, State IPM Coordinator, Director, Oregon IPM Center
Department of Transportation
- Will Lackey, Committee Co-Chair, Vegetation Management Coordinator
Department of Parks and Recreation
- Noel Bacheller, Committee Secretary, Natural Resource Coordinator/Botanist, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
Department of Forestry
- Wyatt Williams, Invasive Species Specialist, Oregon Department of Forestry
Department of Agriculture
- Carri Pirosko, Integrated Noxious Weed Management Specialist
- Max Ragozzino, Biological Control Specialist
Department of Administrative Services
- Daren Dickey, Landscape Manager, Department of Administrative Services
Department of Fish and Wildlife
- David Stroppel, Habitat Program Manager
Department of Corrections
- Michael T. Burke, Sustainability Manager
Department of Environmental Quality
- David Gruen, Columbia River Coordinator
Oregon Health Authority
- Alan Martinez, Occupational Health & Pesticide Exposure Program Coordinator
University of Oregon
- Steve Stuckmeyer, Director of Environmental Health and Safety
- Adam Jones, Environmental Services Manager
Agency Profiles
Oregon Department of Agriculture
As a Noxious Weed Specialist, Carri coordinates partners and implements priority noxious weed projects across Southwest Oregon. She provides guidance and technical assistance regarding which tools in the IPM toolbox are available and best matched to specific projects. Carri works across jurisdictional boundaries with private landowners and many non-profit groups, as well as local, state, and federal partners. During the height of the field season, you can find her out in the field working to eradicate A-rated noxious weeds. Carri engages partners through presentations and field tours with the goal of detecting noxious weed populations when they are small and can be addressed through an early detection and rapid response (EDRR) approach. Max Ragozzino, PhD, is a biological control entomologist at Oregon Department of Agriculture. He works on control of invasive insect species, using their natural enemies, including emerald ash borer, brown marmorated stink bug, and spotted wing drosophila. When classical biological control is effective, it can permanently reduce pest insect populations – in turn reducing grower reliance on insecticide. Since his start at ODA, he has helped raise and release over 150,000 beneficial insects for growers across Oregon.
Oregon Department of Corrections
As the Sustainability Manager for ODOC’s 13 institutions and other facilities, Travis oversees and coordinates sustainable projects and programs partnering collaboratively with multiple other agencies to bring a unique goal for both, adults in custody and the staff employed. From beehive, gardening, and sage brush restoration certification programs to overseeing energy management and reduction plans with our partners at Energy Star and SEM (Strategic Energy Management), Travis is committed to all sustainability efforts and the future of Oregon Department of Corrections.
Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
As Habitat Program Manager for the South Willamette Watershed, David plans, coordinates, and implements habitat activities for Northwest Oregon, working collaboratively with private landowners and other agencies. David oversees six ODFW wildlife areas and has a Habitat Crew that helps landowners control invasive plants, restore their land and improve wildlife habitat.
Oregon Department of Forestry
As the Occupational Health & Pesticide Exposure Program Coordinator for the Pesticide Exposure Safety & Tracking Program (PEST) and Occupational Public Health Program (OPHP), Alan Martinez analyzes, collects, and categorizes occupational health data related to illness and injury in the workplace. Within the PEST program, Alan further conducts surveillance of acute pesticide illness in non-occupational and occupational settings to understand the cause of pesticide exposures, toxicity of pesticides, and pesticide adverse health effects. The PEST program aims to disseminate and educate diverse populations throughout Oregon on pesticide safety and health, and to analyze data relating to exposure events for better outcomes among all communities.
Noel Bacheller is the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Central Natural Resource Specialist/Ecologist. His work includes supporting and/or coordinating diverse invasive species and pest management projects on State Parks lands. Most of the agency’s Integrated Pest Management activities are linked to restoration and management of natural areas, but work also includes significant management of pests of facilities and infrastructure. The agency has an invasive species and integrated pest management committee that investigates, coordinates, and provides training for agency staff. The committee is made up of 16 staff representing all regions and both management and staff roles.
University of Oregon
Program Milestones
- An external and enternal advisory IPM group will coordinate federal. state and local partners and IPM practioners to address key knowledge gaps that must be addressed to build a modified IPM program to manage specific threats.
- The Oregon IPM Center working group will indetify knowledge gaps and needed research, and will facilitate the development of proposals to be submitted for funding at the state, regional and national level.