IPM Network Coordination
As part of a Signature Program of the Western IPM Center, the Oregon IPM Center coordinates a network of experts and stakeholders in the region about to gather input about proposed regulatory changes to support federal agencies in their decision making. This process keeps stakeholders aware of relevant regulatory actions and encourages stakeholder involvement in the regulatory process.
Stakeholder input is essential
Stakeholder Engagement
Pacific Northwest IPM Network Coordination keeps stakeholders apprised of pertinent and relevant regulatory actions, and encourages stakeholder involvement in the regulatory process. Previously submitted comments have been cited in EPA response documents as relevant and helpful to their decision-making process.
Human and Environmental Health
An informed and communicative regulatory system is able to listen and respond to stakeholder needs and input. This maintains the availability of efficacious pesticides, targets their uses to where they are most needed, and encourages crop and pest-specific risk management practices that minimize the potential for harm to human health and the environment.
Program Goals
- We gather feedback from growers and others with on-the-ground expertise when federal agencies consider new label restrictions on pesticides.
- In coordination with the Western IPM Center, we communicate these pest management needs and priorities to federal regulators and lawmakers.
- By doing so, we keep stakeholders apprised of pertinent and relevant regulatory actions, and encourages stakeholder involvement in the regulatory process.
- This maintains the availability of efficacious pesticides, targets their uses to where they are most needed, and encourages crop and pest-specific risk management practices that minimize the potential for harm to human health and the environment.
- Outreach is conducted through multiple channels to keep a wide range of industry groups informed regarding important regulatory reviews and proposed decisions. Pesticide usage information, along with feedback on various products, alternatives, risks, and mitigations is regularly communicated to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the form of comprehensive, formal comments, often representing multiple industries.
- Pacific Northwest comments from the region have been submitted on the active ingredients aldicarb, carbaryl, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, synthetic pyrethroids, malathion, neonicotiniods, simazine, sulfoxaflor, and sulfonylurea herbicides. Previously submitted comments can be searched by chemical, date, or state, using the comment database maintained by the Western IPM Center.
- Dr. Lightle has a newly-established pesticide registration review updates newsletter where she posts details about proposed interim decisions (PIDs) moving through EPA's pesticide registration review process. Subscribing will ensure you receive updates via email.
Western IPM Center • US Environmental Protection Agency
USDA Office of Pest Management Policy • ODA Pesticide Stewardship Partnership
Pacific Northwest Agricultural researchers, extension agents, and other crop industry representatives
For more information, contact Pacific Northwest Network Coordinator Dani Lightle