Oregon IPM Center Newsletter - Vol I Iss 1 - Spring 2020 - PSEP Update


Dr. Andony Melathopoulos presenting at The Dalles CORE Course on December 10, 2019. Photo: Kaci Buhl

PSEP trained over 1,000 pesticide applicators this Season! 

Daniella Whanger and Kaci Buhl, PSEP

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) ramped-up in October for a busy training season with licensed pesticide applicators. Our mission is to deliver high quality educational programs on the proper use of pesticides, which includes Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We offer “core” credits for IPM-related content, which is a special incentive for private pesticide applicators (often growers) to attend.

PSEP courses run from 4-15 hours, featuring highly rated speakers from industry, government, and of course, OSU faculty. Each course has an Advisory Board, made up of course participants and Extension faculty. If you might be interested in serving, or speaking at one of our courses, let us know: OregonStatePSEP@gmail.com. 

We wish to thank so many faculty members for their excellent instruction this season. Thank you for your contributions! 

Our attention turns to WPS training in the spring and summer. The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) aims to protect unlicensed pesticide handlers and agricultural workers from unnecessary risks. The training program includes potential sources of pesticide residue, exposure routes, sensitive populations, signs and symptoms of pesticide-related illness, first-aid procedures, and more. 

Need WPS training in specialty crop systems? https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/ psep/worker-protection-standard


New Online Course: Zinc Phosphide to control Belding's ground squirrels

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at Oregon State University is pleased to announce a new online recertification course for pesticide applicators! Receive training to use Zinc Phosphide to control Belding's ground squirrels in alfalfa, grass hay, pasture, and related sites in several Oregon counties under a Special Local Need (SLN) label. The SLN label requires applicators to complete training before purchasing, mixing, or handling the product. This course fulfills that requirement AND you will earn 2 continuing education credits! 

This course emphasizes some fundamental aspects of IPM:

  • Identify the pest!
  • Optimize effectiveness with careful planning!
  • Monitor the site!
  • Monitor the need!
  • Protect yourself!
  • Protect wildlife!

Visit our website to learn more and register today! https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/psep/recertification/online-courses (Photo: ODFW via Wikimedia Commons). 

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This article appears in Oregon IPM Insider, Vol 1 Iss 1, Spring 2020.