Resource Database

    List of Resources

The Oregon IPM Center creates and gathers resources to help anyone working in agriculture make informed and effective decisions, from farmers to researchers to legislators.

Below you'll find quick access to some of these publications.  Stay tuned for an updated and searchable database!

Last updated November 2023

Strategic Plans
& Pest Loss



Research and Planning Decisions


Strategic Plans & Reports 

Pacific Northwest



Crop Pest Loss Impacts Assessments


Pest Alerts and Fact Sheets


Outreach and Extension
Pest Monitoring
& Prediction
Degree-Day and Phenology Prediction Tools
Disease Risk Prediction Apps: Pathogen-specific risk prediction tools optimized for mobile use.


Disease Risk and Alert Maps
Legacy tools (no longer updated)






Pollinator Protection 

These videos are part of a collaborative project, "IPM for Western Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3)" with Oregon IPM Center, NMSU Agricultural Science Center, Las Lunas and Oregon State University Extension, with support from Western IPM Center through USDA-NIFA.

Full Video Playlist (YouTube)


Pesticide Risk
Pesticide Risk Reduction: An International Guideline

lead: Paul Jepson

This shortened version of this guide includes a table of pesticides considered "lower-risk", a have minimum PPE requirements. This table may be helpful for applicators when PPE is in short supply due to local or global emergencies such as Coronavirus. 

This document is a supplement to the paper Selection of pesticides to reduce human and environmental health risks: a global guideline and minimum pesticides list, published in the Lancet: Planetary Health, March 2020See the article about the paper in the Spring Issue of Oregon IPM Insider

Farmscaping for
Resources to enhance on-farm habitat to encourage the establishment of beneficial insects and native pollinators.

lead: Gwendolyn Ellen

Farming for Pest Management (Pamphlet, 2007, Co-publication with Xerces Society)

Willamette Valley Farmscaping for Beneficials Resource List

Find videos created for the 2022 Agricultural Diversity on Western Farms Virtual Conference, covering how to create and maintain habitat for pollinators and other beneficial insects on your farm.  
  • Creating on-farm beneficial insect habitat
  • Benefits of mature hedgerows with Gwendolyn Ellen
  • Creating hedgerows for beneficial insects with Rowan Steele
  • Benefits of cover crops in hazelnuts
  • Creating beneficial habitat with Peter Kenagy

Find them all the program's YouTube page.