Weed Control Alternatives in Drilled Peas (1989)

Report to the Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission

Dan Curtis and Ray Williams
OSU Dept of Horticulture

R. Rackham
OSU Benton County Extension

Peas tolerated most herbicides evaluated in three field trials conducted with grower-cooperaters in 1989. The exception
was trifluralin (Treflan) which reduced early growth and vigor by 10 to 40%. By harvest, the remaining plants in trifluralin
treatments compensated and yields were similar to other treatments. Clomazone (Command) caused white leaves on youngseedlings, especially following rainfall or irrigation. Symptoms disappeared within several days. Growth and yields were not suppressed, although observations from previous trials at higher rates suggest that soil persistance can be a serious threat to subsequant crops including fall-planted wheat.
