Pest Monitoring Tools


Pest Monitoring Tools

Pest monitoring is considered the first step in integrated pest management (IPM), helping you to know what is causing damage and when to act.  Documenting pests and their current phenological stages validates our models, and helps you make informed decisions about pest management priorities.

Pest Monitoring Programs

The Oregon IPM Center assists in two monitoring programs:

  • VegNet – A long-standing monitoring and reporting system for vegetable crop pests.  Subscribers receive weekly reports during the season.
  • Oregon Pest Monitoring Network – A new collaborative project providing real-time pest reporting and mapping for multiple commodities.


Learn more about VegNet below, or link there directly:
Learn more about the Oregon Pest Monitoring Network, or link there directly:

Find weekly reports on important agricultural pests.




VegNet is part of Oregon State University's effort to foster sustainable food and farming programs.

We monitor for insect pests and produce weekly activity reports that can be combined with field sampling to estimate pest pressure and make informed decisions about pest management priorities.  VegNet has been operating within the Willamette Valley for more than 20 years.  Our current subscriber base includes researchers, consultants, gardeners, and commercial growers.

Find a feature article about VegNet here.


How to Use

Receive reports directly by subscribing to the VegNet listserve, or brows our companion blog.

Subscribe to VegNet        VegNet Blog



A new collaborative project to provide both real-time mapping and reporting of agricultural pests




The Oregon Pest Monitoring Network (OPMN) is a new collaborative project between Oregon State University, USDA-ARS, Partnerships for Data Innovation (PDI), VegNet, and Oregon IPM Center.  Since 2021, OPMN has been monitoring pests in grass seed and forage fields.  The system now includes orchard crops and vegetables. Mint, tree fruits, cranberries, and ergot spore monitoring are in development.


Find more information about the OPMN here.


How to Use

Find real-time mapping of select pests in our online pest dashboard.  You may also report a pest or crop damage.

Pest Dashboard     Report a Pest