FY21 Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) Feedstock Technologies and Algae FOA

Award Ceiling: 
Posted Date: 
December 10, 2020
Due Date: Letter of Intent: 
February 1, 2021
Due Date: Full Proposal: 
April 5, 2021
DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) develops technologies that convert domestic biomass and waste resources into fuels, products, and power to enable affordable energy, economic growth, and innovation in renewable energy and chemicals production. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002423 will support BETO’s highest priority research and development (R&D) areas in two BETO programs: Feedstock Technologies and Advanced Algal Systems. Both Topic Areas support BETO’s objectives to reduce the minimum selling price of drop-in biofuels, lower the cost of biopower, and enable high-value products from biomass or waste resources. Under this funding opportunity, BETO is interested in the following Topic Areas: Topic Area 1: Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste to Enable Production of Conversion-Ready Feedstocks Subtopic 1a: Measurement of Variability of Key MSW Characteristics within and across Unique MSW Streams Subtopic 1b: Development of Novel Methods for Rapid/Real-time Measurements Topic Area 2: Algae Productivity Exceeding Expectations (APEX) Subtopic 2a: Improvements in Productivity with Traditional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Supply Subtopic 2b: Improvements in Productivity with Direct Air Capture (DAC) of CO2 from Ambient Air