Organic Center-FFAR joint Organic Research Program

Award Ceiling: 
Posted Date: 
December 13, 2021
Due Date: Letter of Intent: 
January 28, 2022
Due Date: Full Proposal: 
April 4, 2022
The “Organic Center-FFAR joint Organic Research Program” supports innovative research that will have the biggest impact on bringing organic into the future. For 2022, the research should focus on transforming how organic systems can contribute to climate change mitigation and resilience. Organic farming is poised to be part of the climate change solution, because organic farmers do not rely on fossil-fuel intensive synthetic inputs to manage pests or increase soil fertility, and they also use farming techniques that sequester carbon in the soil. However, more work needs to be done to understand specific strategies that can be undertaken by organic growers to mitigate climate change. Further, organic farmers are already facing negative impacts from climate change, such as drought, flooding, invasive pests, and extreme weather events. In addition to mitigation-focused projects, research is needed to better understand techniques organic growers can take to adapt to current and future climate changes. This program will place priority on projects that demonstrate an ability to use systems-based, cutting-edge techniques to change the trajectory of organic for the future. Matching funds NOT required.