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Funding Opportunities – Finding the Perfect Fit

Title Summary Due Date
Advancing understanding of plant cuticle-fungicide interactions
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We are looking to advance our understanding of how plant cuticles interact with fungicides and influence their behavior. We seek support from your expertise in plant physiology, plant biochemistry/ lipid biosynthesis, analytics (LC, GC MS) with a scientific focus or interest in the cuticle of terrestrial plants or in applied agricultural research. We are keen on developing, implementing, and utilizing methods and techniques at both laboratory and greenhouse scales. Our primary interest lies in agricultural crops, particularly wheat and soybean, but we are open to incorporating findings from non-agricultural crops as well.

February 28, 2025
Valent -
Agricultural inputs and technologies for crop protection and sustainability
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Global food demand is expected to increase 50% by 2050. This challenging demand is too large for anyone to solve alone. One way Valent aspires to solve the challenge is by collaborating with the global scientific and innovation communities to develop new sustainable and creative solutions to help our growers meet the surging food demand.

We are looking for existing or emerging technologies that enhance the performance or provide complementary benefits to Valent’s proprietary portfolio that includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and plant growth regulators. Technologies of interest include formulation methods, field application methods and tools, conventional active ingredients, biorationals, biostimulants, synergists, and product packaging.

February 28, 2025
Organic Transitions Program
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The overall goal of the Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is to support the development and implementation of research, extension and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those who are adopting organic practices. NIFA administers the ORG program by determining priorities in U.S. agriculture through Agency stakeholder input processes in consultation with the NAREEEAB. ORG will continue to prioritize environmental services provided by organic farming systems in the area of soil conservation, pollinator health, and climate change mitigation, including greenhouse gases (GHG), as well as the development of educational tools for Cooperative Extension personnel and other agricultural professionals who advise producers on organic practices, and development of cultural practices and other allowable alternatives to substances recommended for removal from the National Organic Program’s National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. It is expected that all projects will integrate research, education and extension activities, as appropriate to project goals, although some projects may be weighted more heavily than others in one or more of these areas. However, all proposals should have activities and impact in research and at least one of the other areas: education and extension.

March 6, 2025
Crop Protection and Pest Management
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The purpose of the Crop Protection and Pest Management program is to address high priority issues related to pests and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. The CPPM program supports projects that will ensure food security and respond effectively to other major societal pest management challenges with comprehensive IPM approaches that are economically viable, ecologically prudent, and safe for human health. The CPPM program addresses IPM challenges for emerging issues and existing priority pest concerns that can be addressed more effectively with new and emerging technologies. The outcomes of the CPPM program are effective, affordable, and environmentally sound IPM practices and strategies needed to maintain agricultural productivity and healthy communities. ​

March 6, 2025
Oregon State University -
Transdisciplinary Research Seed Fund Program
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Pre-submission consultation with your home college(s) and unit is required. 

The purpose of the 2025 Transdisciplinary Research Seed Fund (TRSF) Program is to support OSU faculty as they build a transdisciplinary research team or seek to sustain momentum of an existing team and/or plan to scale-up collaborative research efforts towards the submission of large proposals that directly support Prosperity Widely Shared: The Oregon State Plan(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) (PWS). Faculty teams are expected to use the TRSF seed funds to advance new research and partnerships and develop submission-ready proposals by the end of the award period. Meet 2024-25 TRSF Awardees here(Link opens in new window).

Because the TRSF program supports OSU faculty to advance PWS goals, competitive proposals should demonstrate alignment with the priorities below:

A. Transdisciplinary ResearchTransdisciplinary Research(Link opens in new window) is a complex form of use-inspired research that seeks to generate integrated interdisciplinary knowledge and discovery through participatory and engaged practices that span sectors and disciplines in a way that transcends traditional boundaries and directly contributes to resolving critical societal challenges.

B. Research focus in one of the PWS research focus areas of investment and growth (review PWS(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) goals and actions for more information).

  • Climate Science and related solutions
  • Clean Energy and related solutions
  • Robotics
  • Integrated Health and Biotechnology
  • Including a significant intersection with and/or building foundational research strength in artificial intelligence, data science, research computing, and/or the social sciences, arts and humanities.

C. Projects that bring together or strengthens a diverse team of scientists, artists, engineers, humanists and/or social scientists representing multiple colleges, campuses, centers and institutes at OSU, along with external partners from industry, community organizations, government, other research institutions, etc. Faculty who identify as belonging to social identity groups minoritized in academia are encouraged to apply (review OSU’s foundational values(Link is external) (Link opens in new window) for more information).

D. Projects that invest in developing thoughtful, positive, equitable and enduring partnerships with community groups or organizations that represent, directly serve or engage, minoritized and/or underserved populations, minority serving institutions of higher education, or tribal governments (as OSU is a Carnegie Engaged University, you can review information about engagement purpose and practice(Link is external) (Link opens in new window)).

March 7, 2025
Research Corporation for Science Advancement -
Sustainable Minerals, Metals, and Materials
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Fellows and Early Career Scientists

Synthetic materials made with petroleum-based feedstocks, as well as the polymers used in a variety of products, currently create pollution and contribute to global warming. Clean energy technologies themselves rely on mining of critical metals and minerals that can damage the environment. Basic science breakthroughs in the development and use of materials that enhance new technologies (such as synthetic polymers, coatings, plastics, bio-inspired materials, critical minerals and metals, rare earth elements, and other related materials) will be critical to a transition to a sustainable and low-carbon energy system. This Scialog series will facilitate connections between approximately 50 early career chemists, materials scientists, geologists, ecologists, engineers, and energy system modelers, with the goal of catalyzing collaborative, cross-disciplinary projects to investigate how to design, manufacture, and recycle substances so that their use and production at scale is more compatible with ethical stewardship of our environment and decarbonizing the energy system.

March 10, 2025
Higher Education Challenge Grants Program
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Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: (1) address a state, regional, national, or international educational need; (2) involve a creative or non-traditional approach toward addressing that need that can serve as a model to others; (3) encourage and facilitate better working relationships in the university science and education community, as well as between universities and the private sector, to enhance program quality and supplement available resources; and (4) result in benefits that will likely transcend the project duration and USDA support.

March 11, 2025
Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II
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Only previous Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase I winners are eligible to apply for Phase II support through this RFA.

The Small Business Administration (SBA), through the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive, provides policy guidance for these programs. A main purpose of the legislation is to stimulate technological innovation and increase private sector commercialization among small business concerns and enable them to undertake and to obtain the benefits of research and development in order to maintain and strengthen the competitive free enterprise system and the national economy. The goal of Phase II is to continue research and development while increasing the focus on commercialization. The STTR program aims to foster technology transfer through formal cooperative R&D between small businesses and nonprofit research institutions. The USDA SBIR/STTR programs Assistance Listing 10.212, is therefore in a unique position to meet both the goals of USDA and the purpose of the SBIR/STTR legislation by transforming scientific discovery and innovation both social and economic benefit, and by emphasizing private sector commercialization.

March 18, 2025
Potato Breeding Research
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The purpose of this grant program is to support potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) research programs that focus on varietal development and testing and potato varieties for commercial production. As used herein, varietal development and testing is research using conventional breeding and/or biotechnological genetics to develop improved potato varieties. Aspects of evaluation, screening and testing must support variety development.

March 20, 2025
Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative
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The National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) focuses on  collaborative science engagement that intends to develop a community of researchers across both crops and animals that will lay the foundation for expanding knowledge concerning genomes and phenomes of importance to the agriculture sector of the United States. Success of the initiative will inform approaches to understanding how variable weather, environments, and production systems interact with genetic diversity present in crops and animals to impact growth and productivity.  This will provide greater accuracy in predicting crop and animal performance under variable conditions and more efficient selection of well-adapted, superior genotypes that farmers and ranchers can produce. 

These goals require interdisciplinary approaches that combine technologies such as advanced computing, automated high throughput phenotyping and genotyping as well as climatic modeling to be successful.  The initiative seeks to build on efforts such as the Plant Genome Research Project, the National Animal Genome Research Program, and other public initiatives. Key criteria include promoting fair access to data, software, germplasm, and other biological materials through open data sources, standards, and exchange of research materials. The initiative also seeks to connect animal sciences (e.g. animal physiology, meat science, animal nutrition, and veterinary science), plant sciences (e.g. agronomy, crop modeling, and plant physiology) and allied fields including genetics, genomics, artificial intelligence, informatics, statistics and engineering. 

March 20, 2025