From discussion at a meeting of associate deans
Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences
Friday, September 15, 2000, OSU Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport
In relating to associate deans in the College, unit heads and others should know what they can count on. Among their expectations should be that an associate dean will:
- Be an advocate for the units for which the associate dean is responsible.
- Work to build trust through regular and open communication.
- Inform units and others about what are that individual associate dean’s overall priorities.
- Promote College priorities within and among units.
- Work toward integration, looking for opportunities to make connections across organizational lines.
- Serve as an agent of change, helping the College to advance.
- Be informed about programs, events, issues, and opportunities in each of the units to which the associate dean relates.
- At least once each year, become reacquainted with programs and directions of faculty in each unit.
- Facilitate mutually supportive activities and communication between campus-based and field-based units.
- Conduct an annual review of the unit leader and the unit’s programs, and provide written feedback.
Working as a team, the executive associate dean and associate deans share responsibility for:
- Annual and five-year reviews of unit leaders and unit programs,
- Policy development,
- Priority staffing,
- Promotion and tenure process,
- College development efforts.