Searching for an Experience?


This is a resource designed to help you identify an applied leadership development experience.


Questions to Ask Yourself:

1. ) In what type of experience will I develop the skills needed to accomplish my personal and professional goals?

2. ) Do I want my internship position to be related to my current area of study to help me network? (If so, you may want to contact your major advisor to see about potential internships in your field.)

3. ) Do I want my internship position to be outside my academic studies but be related to an extracurricular activity I’m participating in?

4. ) What type of activities do I currently participate in?

5. ) Where do I currently engage with people the most?

6. ) Do I manage an organization or group that affects other people?

7. ) What am I interested in when it comes to working with people?


Asking these types of questions before contacting an adviser will be important.

If you have taken the time to think about ideas and have looked at examples of past internships and still cannot decide on an internship, please feel free to contact a leadership minor advisor for assistance.

To see our advisor page, click here: Meet Our Advisors 

Here are some examples of past ALD experiences: Shadowing a state police officer; starting a non-profit organization in your local community; working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife; serving with the United States Forest Service; leading an in-lab research team; leading and working with youth, such as at a youth camp, working with state and FFA groups, working with Boys and Girl Clubs, working with Big Brother/Big Sister Program; completing service/volunteer work for a civic or religious group; serving as a public representative for a local community event, managing a local sports team; apprenticing to be an athletic director; serving as an intern at Walt Disney World; service-learning combined with a study abroad; teaching outdoor recreation classes; participated in a management training program with a local business; enhancing sustainability initiatives; serving as a positional leader in a local club or civic organization; serving as an intern in a local business; serving within a college in a leadership role; leading a change initiative within a business; leading service-learning troops; volunteering as a mentor for students at a local high school; conducting a research study on differences in leadership types within a community; participating in a national leadership conference.