SOREC Supports Southern Oregon
SOREC in the News

"Insuring your crop against smoke can be important, but also ensuring that a buyer in a grape contract will still purchase your grapes is also important. Tomasino mentioned that in 2020 a lot of places were just saying. ‘If you have smoke, we’re not going to take your crop..." Read more

"Agricultural research works in a two-way environment, he explained. Research centers, such as SOREC, investigate concerns related to locally-produced crops, with findings funneled back to OSU where the information is incorporated with research from elsewhere in the state. Results are then shared with communities across the state..." Read more.

"Acimovic said it was crucial to prevent fire blight from spreading from shoots and branches to the trunk because that can kill trees or lead to permanent hot spots in orchards." Read more.

"The smoke was dangerous to public health, but it was also catastrophic for the wine industry, which saw an nearly $4 billion in losses from what’s come to be known as “smoke taint." Read more.

"By vineyard experimentation, Levin seeks to understand how to optimize irrigation practices with the goals of not only conserving water but improving the quality of the grapes..." Read more.

"What's being done to help pear growers keep their crop safe after harvest? Oregon State University's Achala KC updates us..." Listen here.

"Each experimental vineyard planted by SOREC has progressively addressed more specific needs and interests of the wine industry in Jackson and Josephine counties. Studies have improved the region’s vineyard management..." Read more.

"Farmers can use a little help every now and then with practices and procedures, which are available from the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, SOREC." Listen here.

"Pacific Northwest heat waves have been challenging growers—and their plants—since June. What do these extreme heat waves mean for hemp crop harvest this fall?" Read more.

"This needs assessment identifies what is known about hemp cultivation and knowledge gaps recognized by industry members, including growers, processors and allied stakeholders." Read more.

"Today, at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, located near Medford, viticulturist Alexander Levin and plant pathologist Achala KC have brought a renewed focus to the region’s wine grape production." Read more.

"Grapevine red blotch virus slows fruit ripening, reducing sugar and color development, but, unlike the grapevine leafroll viruses, it does not seem to reduce yield..." Read more.

"It was Porter Lombard who jump started wine grape growing and winemaking in Jackson County in the late 1960s. An horticulturalist, Lombard was station chief at the Southern Oregon Experiment Station where he planted a test vineyard that was producing good fruit by 1972." Read more.

"Imagine a giant jigsaw puzzle whose pieces are always changing shape. That’s an apt analogy for the challenges faced by OSU’s integrated pest management (IPM) team in the Rogue Valley." Read more.