The College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University is Oregon's principal source of knowledge relating to agricultural and food systems, and a major source of knowledge regarding environmental quality, natural resources, life sciences, and rural economies and communities worldwide. The College provides undergraduate and graduate education leading to baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and extended education programs throughout Oregon and beyond. Its research programs create knowledge to solve problems and to build a knowledge base for the future. It is a source of information and expertise in integrating and applying knowledge with benefits that are felt in domestic and international settings.
Volume XIII, Issue 4
Reflecting upon the first term of every academic year always fills me with excitement and pride. This year, it holds even more weight as my first Fall Term as Dean.
This fall, we recognized a record-breaking year in research, bringing our total research expenditures to more than $101 million—up 20% from last year. Enrollment is growing, with more than 3,200 students in the College and a freshman class up 23% over last year. As our research and teaching efforts deepen, so too does our commitment to a Culture of Equity Diversity and Inclusion with the launch of a College-wide survey to inform our Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence. And last month we joined the entire University with the official launch of our Capital Campaign, to further advance our land-grant mission of teaching, research, and outreach.
This term we’ve also added to our leadership, with a new station director at HAREC, Dr. Carlos Bonilla, and Dr. Scott Lukas was appointed the new endowed professor of the Northwest Berry Production and Management program. We’ve also formalized our focus on global opportunities with the appointment of Dr. David Stone as the first Associate Dean of International Programs. While we have always been active around the world, bringing global perspectives to Oregon and sharing knowledge with others, this new position is an opportunity to develop more intention around experiential learning and research. News about activities taking place by our students and faculty will be featured in upcoming issues of The Source and a soon-to-be launched web presence, with highlights such as our participation in cross cultural research projects showcased at the Governor’s recent trade mission to Asia.
Whether international, national, or regional, our research has real world impacts—from advances in Integrated Pest Management and practical insights for mitigating smoke impacts on wine grapes, to better understanding the language of whales and finding innovative ways to improve virtual fencing for cattle grazing to create wildfire fuel breaks. At the same time, new grants continue to be awarded, including a $50 million grant to develop climate-smart potatoes.
Our faculty, students, alumni and other stakeholders continue to have tremendous impact in the world, gaining recognition from peers, industry, and professional organizations. And our outreach across Oregon deepens the critical relationships we have in service to agriculture and natural resource communities in both urban and rural settings, with meaningful solutions to real-world challenges.
And of course, there’s also Beaver football to celebrate! This season has been a particular joy to watch, and the tailgates have been an amazing opportunity to connect with the entire AgSci family of alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends.
As we near the end of fall and the beginning of the holiday season, I want to thank you for all you do to make our college such a special place!
Go Beavs!
Staci L. Simonich, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Dean and Reub Long Professor
College of Agricultural Sciences
Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station

Dr. Carlos Bonilla named director of Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center
With a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Bonilla joins Oregon State from the Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago where he most recently held the position of Professor in the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering. A well-regarded researcher and educator, with numerous awards and accolades from both the institutions he’s served and leading professional organizations, including the American Society of Agronomy, Bonilla is eager to join Oregon State’s land-grant system to serve the greater agricultural community.

Dr. David Stone named Associate Dean of International Programs
A long-term faculty member in the College, Dave most recently served as the Director of the Food Innovation Center (FIC). Located in downtown Portland, the center is one of 11 agricultural experiment stations in the state. In his time there, he led the growth of FIC’s agricultural product and processing development, sensory and consumer testing, food safety program, and agricultural marketing development, with increasing emphasis on international engagement.

Scott Lukas named new endowed professor of NW berry program
Scott Lukas moved west for his new role in Oregon State University’s endowed professorship at the Northwest berry and management production program. He had worked six years in Hermiston as an OSU horticulturalist. Lukas succeeds Bernadine Strik as leader of the program, which provides research and support to growers of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries and other berries.

2022 Early Career Award | Salini Sasidharan
Salini is an emerging young scientist in the critical areas of Environmental Science and Engineering, including groundwater quantity and quality management, sustainable irrigated agriculture, and resilient urban and rural water resources infrastructures. Her research focuses on various challenges of managed aquifer recharge including water quantity and quality, clogging, engineering designs of the infrastructure, numerical modeling, site selection, and regulatory standards.

Dr. Patricia L. Kennedy, Recipient of the 2022 Hamerstrom Award
Fran and Frederick Hamerstrom are icons in the field of raptor ecology. Through their long-term ecological studies, the scientific community gained an appreciation for predators and a greater understanding of raptor natural history and ecology. Between them, during their lifetime of research they authored and co-authored over 240 scientific papers and reviews. The also had a revolving door of field assistants, affectionately known as the Gabboons, and mentored countless budding raptor biologists. (full story)

The College of Agricultural Sciences received the Gold Award for The Source: E-Newsletter from the International Marketing and Communications Association.
The National Sea Grant College Program has awarded researchers over $700,000

The National Sea Grant College Program has awarded researchers over $700,000 to optimize the use of probiotics to protect oyster larvae at hatcheries from the bacterial pathogens Vibrio coralliilyticus and V. tubiashii. The research will take place at hatcheries in Oregon, Hawai'i and Maryland.
EPA Awards Grants to Advance Smart, Sensible, and Sustainable Pest Control in Agriculture

Oregon State University: Through outreach and educational efforts, this project seeks to slow the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds, preserve the useful life of current herbicides, and increase the adoption of IPM practices. The project will deliver herbicide resistance training through web-based and in-person workshops to Pacific Northwest agricultural professionals.
NW Natural gives $100,000 to two local organizations through new Conservation Champion Award

Oregon Bee Atlas: Conservation Champion Catalyst Award ($10,000 per year) The Oregon Bee Atlas is a volunteer initiative based at OSU that focuses on creating a comprehensive and publicly accessible inventory of the state’s 700+ species of wild bees.
Honoring Veterans
The College of Agricultural Sciences is fortunate to benefit from the contributions of many current and former members of the U.S. military — students, faculty, staff, alumni, and many others.
In honor of Veterans Day 2022, we have begun to compile some of their stories.
Thank you for all who serve.
Paulette Kaskinen: Woolly
September 27 – December 9, 2022
Location: Strand Gallery, 440 Strand Agriculture Hall, Corvallis, OR
Open hours: Tuesdays 11:30 – 1pm, or by appointment (541) 737-5534
October 13, 2022: Reception
4:00 – 7:00pm, artist talk at 4:30pm
Rod V. Frakes

July 20, 1930 – October 14, 2022