The College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University is Oregon's principal source of knowledge relating to agricultural and food systems, and a major source of knowledge regarding environmental quality, natural resources, life sciences, and rural economies and communities worldwide. The College provides undergraduate and graduate education leading to baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and extended education programs throughout Oregon and beyond. Its research programs create knowledge to solve problems and to build a knowledge base for the future. It is a source of information and expertise in integrating and applying knowledge with benefits that are felt in domestic and international settings.
Volume XIII, Issue 2
I am so excited to welcome you to the latest issue of The Source, highlighting some of the amazing work and accomplishments of our Agricultural Sciences family over the past few months.
This is the first issue of The Source since I became the new dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences last March. While I have always been impressed and amazed by the breadth of talent and passion in our College over the 20 years that I’ve been here, it hits me in an entirely new way now that I am dean.
Over the past two months, I have connected with numerous stakeholders across the state who have expressed how important OSU and the College of Agricultural Sciences is to their industry, their business, and their families. What I have heard loud and clear is that in order for our work to continue to make a difference, we must continue to listen to those voices so we can define and solve the most pressing issues facing our state, nation and world.
Whether it’s through our Extension and experiment stations, the partnerships we forge with community groups like Centro Cultural, or through events and celebrations like Natural Resource Day, the National MANRRS Conference (where four OSU students won national awards!), or Diamond Pioneers, it is through our commitment to our enduring mission to make tomorrow better for everyone that our work finds meaning and value.
I hope you enjoy this latest issue, with highlights about new leadership, awards and accolades gained by our faculty, staff and students, and the latest news about our research, teaching and extension efforts.
Go Beavs!
Staci L. Simonich, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Dean and Reub Long Professor
College of Agricultural Sciences
Director of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station
The College of Agricultural Sciences hosted the 2022 Celebrating Excellence Event on May 18, 2022. We recognized:
- CAS faculty award recipients
- CAS club award recipients
- CAS student award recipients
- CAS student leaders
- CAS graduates who finished Fall 2021, Winter 2022 and Spring 2022
Congratulations to those recognized and all 2022 AgSci graduates!

Dr. Bryan Endress has accepted the EOARC Union Assistant Director position.

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Good who was selected as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar for 2022-2023! This prestigious fellowship provides unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad.

Congratulations to Dr. Jerri Bartholomew who was selected as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar for 2022-2023! This prestigious fellowship provides unique opportunities for scholars to teach and conduct research abroad.

Congratulations to Lisbeth Goddik who was honored with an Endowed Professorship Position.

Dr. Jim Myers has been selected as a 2022 Fellow of the American Society for Horticultural Science. This is the highest honor that our society bestows. Jim earned this distinction through high scientific achievement and service to the Society. Join me in congratulating him on this honor.

On April 19th the College of Agricultural Sciences honored people whose lifetime contributions to agriculture, natural resources, and the people of Oregon and/or OSU have been significant. They will become permanent members of the Diamond Pioneer Agricultural Achievement Registry in the College.
The Sustainable Feast

May 10 - September 30
May 10 – June 15: Art About Agriculture 2022 touring exhibition at Giustina Gallery, The LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University.
May 26, 5:00-7:30pm (Thursday): Exhibition Reception at Giustina Gallery. Open the public and all are welcome!
July 1 – July 30: Art About Agriculture 2022 touring exhibition at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center in Baker City, OR.
July 1, 5:30-8:00pm (Friday): Opening Reception at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center in Baker City, OR.
August 5 – September 30: Art About Agriculture 2022 touring exhibition at Pacific Maritime Heritage Center in Newport, OR.
August 5, 5:00-7:30pm (Friday): Reception at Pacific Maritime Heritage Center.
August 6 – August 27: Supporting exhibition at the Newport Visual Arts Center in Newport, OR.
August 5, 2:00-4:30pm (Friday): Reception at Newport Visual Arts Center’s Upstairs Gallery.
Richard Thompson: Forever Horizons

April 26 – June 7, 2022
May 18, 2022
3-6pm, Reception
4:00pm, start Zoom session
4:30pm, curators talk
Location: Strand Gallery, 440 Strand Agriculture Hall, Corvallis, OR.
Open hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30 – 1pm, or by appointment

ER Jackman Friends and Alumni
Joe Scheffler is one of the recently appointed members to the ER Jackman Friends and Alumni Board of Directors. Joe graduated from Oregon State University in 1994 with an Agricultural Business Management degree and completed his MBA at Minnesota State University. While at OSU, Joe was a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and met his wife, Margaret (Petrone, 1994, Kappa Delta).
After graduation from OSU, Joe worked in agriculture with the Northrup King Seed Company in Minnesota and Independent Food Processors in the Yakima Valley. For the past 21 years Joe has been a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley in Medford, Oregon.
Though he no longer works in the agriculture industry, Joe values the education provided by the curriculum in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State. He supports agricultural endeavors and looks forward to the work of the ER Jackman Friends and Alumni mission to “plan, participate in, and support student programs, alumni relations, friend building, and fund raising on behalf of the College of Agricultural Sciences.”
Joe and Margaret live in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon and have two children, Alyson (OSU Junior) and Reagan. Outside of work, he has been involved in several organizations including the D9 Foundation, Jackson County 4H, and Lake Creek Rural Volunteer Fire District. Joe enjoys a variety of outdoor activities and spending time with family.

Two new Scholarship Endowments added to our portfolio
The ER Jackman Friends and Alumni Board are pleased to announce that we have had two new scholarship endowments added to our fund list. In late fall 2021, friends and colleagues of two former college deans undertook to create an endowed scholarship for each. The two funds are now in place. The Roy and Jane Arnold Scholarship Endowment and the Thayne and Missy Dutson Scholarship Endowment now carry balances over $ 50,000 each. As of late March, over 62 individuals or couples had contributed to these funds. To celebrate these new funds, the ER Jackman Board voted to award the first two scholarships honoring the Dutsons and Arnolds this spring; the College’s Office of Academics will select two individuals to receive $ 2000 each. These are in addition to the other scholarships ($20,000) and the Gordon and Joan Galbraith ($1500) funded by the ER Jackman endowments. Additions to these scholarships can be easily done on line.