Friends & Alumni

Spring 2023

Volume XIV, Issue 2

Friends & Alumni

Lucy Bauer: An Original Baddie

E.R. Jackman Friends & Alumni Partners with Benny’s Business Closet

The E.R. Jackman Friends & Alumni group is dedicated to serving students and giving back to the College of Agricultural Sciences at OSU. A board made up of OSU Ag Sci alums and friends of the college alike, each contributes both their time and dollars to positively influence Ag Sci student experiences. This fiscal year, the E.R. Jackman Friends and Alumni group has provided more than $105,000 to support CAS students. The board is led by current President John McCulley, a 1973 Agricultural Economics graduate, who is working alongside his fellow board members and collegiate counterparts to reinvigorate the group and give back to students in meaningful ways. 

One way this is taking place is through a partnership with the College of Business’ Benny’s Business Closet. Prior to Covid-19, the E.R. Jackman board regularly accepted gently used business clothing to donate to current students looking for professional attire. The program waned over the years but was recently brought back to the surface by board member and longtime CAS advocate, John Roberts, a 1964 Food Science and Technology grad. 

Ally Rumpakis, Director of Alumni Relations for the College of Agricultural Sciences and 2015 OSU College of Business grad, works closely with the E.R. Jackman group to expand engagement opportunities across the college and with CAS donors and alumni. Upon hearing of the proposed revival of the clothing donation program, Benny’s Business Closet came to mind. She reached out to Jennifer Villalobos, the Assistant Director of Career Success with the College of Business, who oversees the team of students who run the program. Villalobos immediately accepted the opportunity to partner with E.R. Jackman and expand the reach of donations for students.

Rumpakis states, “We’re excited to partner with Benny’s Business Closet and expand upon the great work they are doing and the service they provide to students. The E.R. Jackman group is dedicated to student success and values driving positive student experiences at OSU”. 

Learn more about how E.R. Jackman supports students.

The College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University is Oregon's principal source of knowledge relating to agricultural and food systems, and a major source of knowledge regarding environmental quality, natural resources, life sciences, and rural economies and communities worldwide. The College provides undergraduate and graduate education leading to baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and extended education programs throughout Oregon and beyond. Its research programs create knowledge to solve problems and to build a knowledge base for the future. It is a source of information and expertise in integrating and applying knowledge with benefits that are felt in domestic and international settings.
