EM 8203-E Pest Management Guide for Tree Fruits in the Mid-Columbia Area 2014
PNW 121-E Nutrient Disorders in Tree Fruits
EM 9021 Recognize Fruit Damage from Spotted Wing Drosophila
EM 8329-E Cherry Pest Management Guide for Willamette Valley 2013
PNW 592 Four Simple Steps to Pruning Cherry Trees on Gisela and Other Productive Rootstocks
PNW 592-S Quatro Pasos Sencillos para la Poda de Cerezos sobre Gisela y Otros Portainjertos Productivos
PNW 604 Sweet Cherry Cultivars for the Fresh Market
FS 57 Sweet Cherry Varieties in Oregon
PNW 543 Cherry Training Systems: Selection and Development
EM 8951 How to Reduce the Risk of Pesticide Resistance in Cherry Pests in Oregon
EM 9007-E Bacterial canker of sweet cherry in Oregon disease symptoms, cycle and management
AEB 0030 Enterprise Budget Cherries, Sweet, Fresh Market, Standard-density, North Central Region
AEB 0031 Enterprise Budget Cherries, Sweet, Fresh Market, High-density, North Central Region