
EM 9072-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific NorthwestIntroduction

EM 9073-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Hazelnut Varieties

EM 9074-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Pollination and Nut Development

EM 9075-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Plant Propagation

EM 9076-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Site Selection

EM 9077-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Design

EM 9078-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Training and Pruning

EM 9079-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Floor Management 

EM 9080-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Orchard Nutrition

EM 9081-E Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest: Integrated Pest Management

EM 8748-E Orchard Economics:  The Costs and Returns of Establishing and Producing Hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley

EM 8556 Hazelnut Enterprise Budget

EM 8328-E Hazelnut Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley 2013

EC 1499 Detecting and Controlling Eastern Filbert Blight

EM 8946-E Identification of Invasive and Re-emerging Pests on Hazelnuts 

EM 8786-E Hazelnut Nutrient Management Guide 

EM 8727-E New Hazelnut Cultivar:  'Clark' (OSU 276.142)

EM 8640-E New Hazelnut Cultivar:  'Lewis' (OSU 243.002)

EM 8836-E Hazelnut Pollinizer Cultivars:  Gamma, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta

EM 8890-E Santiam Hazelnut (OSU 509.064)

EM 8914-E Sacajawea Hazelnut (OSU 540.130)

EM 8987-E Yamhill Hazelnut (OSU 542.102)

EM 8979-E Hazelnut Pest & Beneficial Insects - An Identification Guide

EM 9028-E Jefferson Hazelnut

FS 146 Harvesting, Handling, and Storing Nuts from the Home Orchard: Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Chestnuts