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Juliana Ranches

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L. S. Caramalac, Moriel, P., Ranches, J., Silva, G. M., and Arthington, J. D., Comparison of Injectable Trace Minerals vs. Adjuvant on Measures of Innate and Humoral Immune Responses of Beef Heifers, Livestock Science, vol. 251, no. Article 104665, 2021.
J. Ranches, Alves, R., Vedovatto, M., Palmer, E. A., Moriel, P., and Arthington, J. D., Differences in Copper and Selenium Metabolism Between Angus (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) Cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 1-14, 2021.
G. M. Silva, Chalk, C. D., Ranches, J., Schulmeister, T. M., Henry, D. D., DiLorenzo, N., Arthington, J. D., Moriel, P., and Lancaster, P. A., Effect of Rumen-Protected Methionine Supplementation to Beef Cows During the Periconception Period on Performance of Cows, Calves, and Subsequent Offspring, Animal, vol. 15, no. 1, 2021.
J. D. Arthington, Silveira, M., Caramalac, L. S., Fernandes, H. J., Heldt, J. S., and Ranches, J., Effects of Varying Sources of Cu, Zn, and Mn on Mineral Status and Preferential Intake of Salt-Based Supplements by Beef Cows and Calves and Rainfall-Induced Metal Loss, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1-10, 2021.
J. Ranches, O'Connor, R., Johnson, D. D., Davies, K. W., Bates, J. D., Boyd, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., and Parker, T., Effects of Virtual Fence Monitored by Global Positioning System on Beef Cattle Behavior, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5. pp. S144 - S148, 2021.
K. C. O’Hara, Ranches, J., Roche, L. M., Schohr, T. Kay, Busch, R. C., and Maier, G. U., Impacts from Wildfires on Livestock Health and Production: Producer Perspectives, Animals, vol. 11, no. 11, p. 3230, 2021.
J. Ranches, De Oliveira, R. A., Vedovatto, M., Palmer, E. A., Moriel, P., Silva, D., Zylberlicht, G., Drouillard, J. S., and Arthington, J. D., Low Moisture, Cooked Molasses Blocks: A Limited Intake Method for Supplementing Trace Minerals to Pre-Weaned Calves, Animal Feed Science and Technology, vol. 273, no. March 2021, pp. 1-12, 2021.
D. W. Bohnert, Ranches, J., and Endress, B. A., Oregon Beef Council Report 2021 Edition, 2021.
J. A. Carroll, Sánchez, N. C. Burdick, Broadway, P. R., Gleise, S., Ranches, J., Warren, J., Arthington, J. D., Lancaster, P. A., and Moriel, P., Prenatal Immune Stimulation Alters the Postnatal Acute Phase and Metabolic Responses to an Endotoxin Challenge in Weaned Beef Heifers, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-12, 2021.
J. D. Arthington and Ranches, J., Trace Mineral Nutrition of Grazing Beef Cattle, Aminals, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 1-21, 2021.
J. Ranches, De Oliveira, R. A., Vedovatto, M., Palmer, E. A., Moriel, P., and Arthington, J. D., Use of Radio‑Frequency Identification Technology to Assess the Frequency of Cattle Visits to Mineral Feeders, Tropical Animal Health and Production, no. 53:341, 2021.
D. W. Bohnert, Management Considerations for Beef Cows with Emphasis on Offspring Performance and Cow Nutrient Requirements, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Oregon State University, Boise, Idaho, pp. 107-118, 2020.
D. W. Bohnert, Oregon Beef Council Report, 2020.