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College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Horticulture
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Cassie Bouska
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Cassie Bouska
Associate Professor (Practice)
Career Links:
Department of Horticulture
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My Publications
J. Pscheidt
Bouska, C.
Beware of Boxwood Blight!
, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2016.
Outreach and Extension
Extension Service Site Publications
Measuring the Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Cranberries in Oregon and Washington
This report summarizes cranberry crop losses due to pests, diseases and weeds for a single year. The data helps producers understand the factors that contribute to losses, as well as the economic impacts of individual pests.
How to get ewes to adopt orphan lambs
Getting ewes to adopt orphan lambs requires the orphans to smell like the ewe's own brood. There are several ways to transfer the ewe's smell to the orphan and pull off a successful adoption. Here's how to do it.
Increasing the Reach of Integrated Pest Management Through Community Partnerships
This publication summarizes the learner-centered education methods and community outcomes of three Extension partnerships. These projects increased the use of integrated pest management and pesticide risk reduction practices in Oregon. The insights gained from these partnerships are relevant to many subjects where educators are working with communities to make progress on shared goals.
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network
The purpose of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) Program is to establish a network that connects individuals who are engaged in farming, ranching, and other agriculture-related occupations to stress assistance programs. This project is funded by a USDA NIFA grant.
An Integrated Pest Management Strategic Plan for Oregon and Washington Cranberries
This publication, produced by growers, commodity group representatives, processors, university specialists, and other technical experts from the cranberry industry in Oregon and Washington, outlines major pests, current management practices, critical needs, activity timetables, and efficacy ratings of various management tools for specific pests in cranberry production. It provides a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses many integrated pest management and pest-specific critical needs for the Oregon and Washington cranberry industry.
Silage will not reduce the toxicity of poison hemlock
Silage-making has been used to reduce the concentrations of toxins in a variety of crops. But in the case of poison hemlock, the opposite is true — making silage out of it actually increases one of its toxic alkaloids.
Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: Kiwifruit and Table Grapes
Information on growing kiwifruit and grapes on the Oregon Coast, including site selection, soil, cultivars, planting systems, irrigation, mulching, fertilization, harvesting, renovation, and handling pests and problems.
Take our online class!
Scale up your pruning skills with OSU’s online workshop! In these expert-led courses, you will build skills that will help you grow healthier fruit.
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Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: Gooseberries, Currants, and Other Minor Berry Crops
Information on growing gooseberries, currants, and other minor berries on the Oregon Coast, including site selection, soil, cultivars, planting systems, irrigation, mulching, fertilization, harvesting, renovation, and handling pests and problems.
Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: Raspberries and Blackberries
Information on growing raspberries and blackberries on the Oregon Coast, including site selection, soil, cultivars, planting systems, irrigation, mulching, fertilization, harvesting, renovation, and handling pests and problems.
Take our online class!
Scale up your pruning skills with OSU’s online workshop! In this expert-led course, you will build skills that will help you grow healthier bushes with even more berries.
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Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: Blueberries
Information on growing blueberries on the Oregon Coast, including site selection, soil, cultivars, planting systems, irrigation, mulching, fertilization, harvesting, renovation, and handling pests and problems.
Take our online class!
Scale up your pruning skills with OSU’s online workshop! In this expert-led course, you will build skills that will help you grow healthier bushes with even more berries.
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Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: Strawberries
Information on growing strawberries on the Oregon Coast, including site selection, soil, cultivars, planting systems, irrigation, mulching, fertilization, harvesting, renovation, and handling pests and problems.
Growing Berries on the Oregon Coast: An Overview
Includes general information on site selection, soils, irrigation, mulching, nutrient management, and other considerations specific to growing berries on the Oregon Coast.
Take our online classes!
Scale up your pruning skills with OSU’s online workshop! In this expert-led course, you will build skills that will help you grow healthier plants with even more fruit.
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Beware of boxwood blight!
Useful information for homeowners, Master Gardeners and landscapers about boxwood blight disease: its symptoms, sanitation measures when it is discovered on a property, and preventive measures.