Associate Professor (Practice)
dwysocki [at]
Focused on dryland cropping systems, soil, water and nutrient management, soil erosion, soil quality, and rotational crops.
Research projects are concerned with improving management of soils under dryland farming systems in relation to soil and water conservation, crop rotation, nutrient management, and tillage.
Professional Accomplishments
Extension Soil Scientist, Oregon State University, 1985 to Present. Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, 1982 to 1985. Graduate Assistant, Iowa State University, 1977-1982. Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service, 1975-1977. Graduate Assistant, Washington State University, 1975-1977.
B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1974. M.Sc., Washington State University, 1977. Ph. D., Iowa State University, 1983.
My Awards
My Publications
Journal Article
A. DuVal , Chastain, T. , Garbacik, C. J. , and Wysocki, D. J. , “Nitrogen Affects Seed Production Characteristics in Yellow Mustard ” , Agronomy Journal , vol. 109, p. 995, 2017.
Journal Article
B. T. Ferguson , Chastain, T. , Garbacik, C. J. , Chastain, B. T. , and Wysocki, D. J. , “Spring Nitrogen and Cultivar Affect Seed Production in Winter Canola ” , Agronomy Journal , vol. 108, p. 1124, 2016.
Journal Article
T. Chastain , King, C. M. , Garbacik, C. J. , Young, W. C. , and Wysocki, D. J. , “Irrigation frequency and seasonal timing effects on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed production ” , vol. 180, pp. 126 - 134, 2015.
Journal Article
D. J. Wysocki , Chastain, T. , Schillinger, W. F. , Guy, S. O. , and Karow, R. S. , “Camelina: Seed yield response to applied nitrogen and sulfur ” , Field Crops Research , vol. 145, pp. 60–66, 2013.
K. D. Huettig , Chastain, T. , Garbacik, C. J. , Young, W. C. , and Wysocki, D. J. , “Spring irrigation of tall fescue for seed production ” , Field Crops Research , vol. 144, no. Complete, pp. 297 - 304, 2013.
Journal Article
A. Juneja , Kumar, D. , Williams, J. D. , Wysocki, D. J. , and Murthy, G. S. , “Potential for ethanol production from conservation reserve program lands in Oregon ” , Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy , vol. 3, p. 063102, 2011.
Journal Article
H. D. , Hart, J. M. , Flowers, M. D. , Lutcher, L. K. , Wysocki, D. J. , M., C. , and Bohle, M. , “Nutrient Management Guide: Irrigated Soft White Winter Wheat (Eastern Oregon) ” , Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2010.
Journal Article
D. E. Wilkins , Wysocki, D. J. , Siemans, M. , Ott, S. , Correa, B. , and Johlke, T. , “Fertilizer Placement in annual Crop Direct Seeded Canola ” , Agri. Exp. Stn Special Report 1040 , 2002.
Outreach and Extension
Extension Service Site Publications (2024) General grain hemp production guidelines in Oregon Unlike hemp grown for flower or CBD, grain hemp can easily fit into customary annual cropping systems currently practiced in Oregon.
(2023) Statewide Needs Assessment for the Hemp Industry in Oregon This needs assessment identifies what is known about hemp cultivation and knowledge gaps recognized by industry members, including growers, processors and allied stakeholders. This information will help establish priorities for future research and outreach efforts for the hemp industry across the state. This study aimed to identify and prioritize the research and educational needs of Oregon hemp growers and other industry members.
(2023) OSU hemp crop production research update
(2021) Adzuki Bean: A Potential Rotational Crop for the Columbia Basin Adzuki bean is an alternative high-value crop that growers can rotate with wheat, corn and soybean. Adzuki is a nutritious bean prized for a wide variety of uses in food and traditional medicine. Learn about the available varieties of adzuki and how to grow a healthy crop.
(2023) Agronomic Zones of the Dryland Pacific Northwest With an annual wheat harvest valued at $2.1 billion, producers in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington know the value of farming practices adapted to each region, county, and field. Researchers mapped precipitation, soil depth, and growing degree day data to divide this important growing region into six geographic zones. These agronomic zones serve as a basis for applying research and management strategies.
(2019) Camelina Nutrient Management Guide for the Pacific Northwest Camelina is a drought-tolerant, low-input, oilseed crop grown throughout the U.S. Pacific Northwest. This publication provides soil fertility recommendations—including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and soil pH adjustments—for dryland and rainfed camelina production in areas of the Pacific Northwest that receive more than 12 inches of rain per year.
(2017) Advances in Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest Farmers make tough decisions all the time—it comes with the territory. When that territory includes the dryland region of the inland Pacific Northwest, decisions can be even more challenging. Fluctuating weather, varying soils, and changing pest pressures are just a few of the ongoing challenges that farmers in this region face. However, university-driven research in these production areas can provide guidance. Packed with tools, resources, and the most current research, this book supports farmers as they make decisions relating to productivity, resilience, and their bottom lines.
(2020) Performance of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Late-Planted Fallow This publication describes results of field research on the performance of hard red winter wheat cultivars in a late-planted fallow system in the low-precipitation zone of Oregon and Washington.
(2014) Camelina: Effects of Planting Date and Method on Stand Establishment and Seed Yield To help determine the agronomic potential of camelina as an oilseed crop, research was conducted to find the best planting date and method for optimum stand establishment and seed yield. Field experiments involved both drilling and broadcast planting methods on numerous planting dates from early October to mid-April over 3 years at four distinct rainfed agro-environments in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
(2007) Acidifying Soil for Crop Production: Inland Pacific Northwest Explains the relationship between high soil pH and nutrient deficiencies in crop plants. Color photos illustrate symptoms of pH-induced nutrient deficiency. Explains the causes of high soil pH and presents step-by-step instructions for lowering pH.
(2012) Phosphorus fertilization of late-planted winter wheat in no-till fallow This publication describes results of applied research on phosphorus fertilization of late-planted winter wheat in no-till fallow in the low-precipitation zone of Oregon and Washington.
(2023) Winter Wheat in Continuous Cropping Systems (Intermediate Precipitation Zone) Fertilizer Guide Addresses nutritional requirements of nonirrigated cereal crops in north-central and eastern Oregon. Includes recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chloride, and zinc.
(2023) Winter Wheat in Continuous Cropping Systems (High Precipitation Zone) Fertilizer Guide Addresses nutritional requirements of nonirrigated cereal crops in north-central and eastern Oregon. Includes recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chloride, and zinc.
(2023) Winter Wheat and Spring Grains in Continuous Cropping Systems (Low Precipitation Zone) Fertilizer Guide Addresses nutritional requirements of nonirrigated cereal crops in north-central and eastern Oregon. Includes recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chloride, and zinc.
(2023) Winter Wheat in Summer-Fallow Systems (Low Precipitation Zone) Fertilizer Guide Addresses nutritional requirements of nonirrigated cereal crops in north-central and eastern Oregon. Includes recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chloride, and zinc.
(2023) Winter Wheat in Summer-Fallow Systems (Intermediate Precipitation Zone) Fertilizer Guide Addresses nutritional requirements of nonirrigated cereal crops in north-central and eastern Oregon. Includes recommendations for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chloride, and zinc.
(2013) Eastern Oregon Liming Guide Liming is a new practice for the inland Pacific Northwest, necessitated by soil acidification caused by nitrogen fertilization. This publication provides guidance on how to evaluate cropping systems for lime need and how to determine lime application rate.
(2007) Irrigated and Dryland Canola Nutrient Management Guide Provides nutrient application recommendations for nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron, and pH adjustment. Includes example fertilizer application rate calculations.
(2006) Monitoring Soil Nutrients in Dryland Systems Using Management Units Focuses on how to design a soil nutrient monitoring strategy using management units or zones for soil testing and nutrient application. This approach is designed to provide better information to make nutrient management decisions at a reasonable cost. Using a management unit approach, a grower can vary the amount and type of nutrient applications within a field. Two examples of nutrient monitoring are provided to illustrate the process of deciding when, where, and how to sample, as well as how to interpret soil test results.
(2002) Dryland Cropping Systems: Edible Mustard This publication examines edible mustard history, uses, conditions for growing, and yield potential.
My Media