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Jonathan Bates

Courtesy Appointment
Jon.Bates [at]
Office: 541-573-8932
Jon.Bates [at]
Office: 541-573-8932
Dr. Bates is a Rangeland Ecologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service in Burns, Oregon. He joined the research group at the EOARC in 1999. Current research is focused on management of juniper woodlands, grazing management, prescribed fire, and sagebrush steppe ecology.
Ongoing projects includes management of juniper slash debris, response of shrub-herbaceous understories to burning in juniper woodlands and sagebrush grassland, soil nutrient dynamics after juniper management, aspen ecology, prescription grazing in juniper woodlands and sagebrush steppe, and post-fire grazing management in sagebrush steppe rangeland.