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Kimberly Grzyb

Graduate Student
grzybk [at]

Academic Interests: 

Kimi Grzyb is a PhD candidate in the Environmental Sciences Program at Oregon State University (OSU) and has been part of OSU's Bioenergy Education Initiative since Fall 2012.  She has a Professional Science Master’s degree in Applied Biotechnology from OSU, which combined a Molecular and Cellular Biology curriculum with business and communication courses.  Kimi served for 27 months as an Agro-forestry volunteer in a rural village in the Dominican Republic with the United States Peace Corps, and she has also worked as a hands-on science educator in her home state of Connecticut. Currently, her doctoral research includes developing a college-level bioenergy curriculum framework.  In addition to a high interest in sustainability, Kimi also enjoys yoga, cooking, and being surrounded by nature.

Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division (AAAS-PD) annual conference, San Francisco, CA; June 2015
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Li, G., Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. Poster presented at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) annual conference, Athens, GA; June 2015
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. Presentation at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching annual conference, Chicago, IL; April 2015
Determining Essential Components of a College-level Bioenergy Curriculum Using the Delphi Technique Grzyb, K., Hartman, B.A., & Field, K.G. Poster presented at the National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC.; January 2015
The Interdisciplinary, Research-based Bioenergy Minor at Oregon State University Grzyb, K., and Field, K.G. Presentation at the National Energy Education Summit, Washington, DC.; January 2015
A Framework for K12 Bioenergy Engineering and Science Concepts: A Delphi Consensus Study Hartman, B.A., Grzyb, K., & Field, K.G. Paper to be presented at the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA; June 2015
Developing a New Ecampus Course: BRR 350 Introduction to Regional Bioenergy Freitas, S. and K. Grzyb Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR; October 2013
Bioenergy Education at Oregon State University: The Bioenergy Minor Field, K. G., C. Frazier-Barthel, S. Freitas, K. Grzyb, and J. Well The Northwest Bioenergy Research Symposium, Seattle, WA; October 2012
Glycerol Performance and Utilization in Microbial Fuel Cells Chignell, J., Grzyb, K., Liu, H.

American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA; March 2010