Primary tabs
Massimo Bionaz

massimo.bionaz [at]
Office: 541-737-9507
Weniger Hall
103 SW Memorial Place
(1) Nutrigenomics in dairy cows: development of high-throughput systems to study nutrigenomics; fine-tuning the metabolism through nutrients; transcriptomic and epigenomic effects of long-chain fatty acids; and nutritional genomics during transition from pregnancy to lactation.
(2) Milk and human health: effects of milk on obesity and bone development/regeneration, especially considering mesenchymal stem cells and micro RNA present in milk's exosomes; effect of milk miRNA on immune system
(3) Welfare and management of dairy cows: significance and effects of inflammatory-like conditions during peripartum; development of an integrative welfare system for dairy farms; and relationship between management and animal welfare.
(4) Systems biology: further development of the Dynamic Impacts Approach for use with omics dataset from complex experimental design, such as time course and multiple treatments experiments.