Update your information so we can keep you informed about the Oregon State University Agriculture & Natural Resource Program at EOU and Alumni events. We also want to hear what's been happening in your world. Please fill out the Alumni update form and let us know what you've been up to. Send us a photo and we'll try to include you in our Alumni profiles! First Name * Last Name * Maiden Name Email * Check here if you do NOT want us to publish your email address. Email NOT Published Spouse Name Spouse's Class Class year * Address Information Is this a new address? Yes No Street City State Zip Country Telephone News What are you doing for work or retirement? Has it changed recently? What else has been happening in your life or with your family? Where was your favorite place to eat, study, meet with friends, or relax on campus? Is there anything you'd like to add to your life right now? What EOU activities have you been involved in since graduating? Photo Upload More informationFiles must be less than 2 MB. Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png. Leave this field blank CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit